Theses/Dissertations from 2020
The Power of Satire: an analysis of Gado’s Cartoons in The Standard newspapers, Kenneth Kipruto Ng'etich
Coverage of the Big Four Agenda in the Daily Nation and The Standard newspapers in Kenya, John Kuru Ngirachu
Referral patterns affecting age at orchidopexy for undescended testis at a tertiary hospital in Nairobi., Muthua Ken Njoroge
Burnout among medical residents; their impressions of its impact on patient care and coping mechanisms, Elizabeth Ochola
Self-censorship and Journalism practice in mainstream media in Kenya, James Odhiambo Okong'o
Online audience feedback and media accountability in Kenya’s mainstream media, Ann Adhiambo Okumu
Examining the integration of information and communication technology by chemistry teachers in Ndhiwa Sub-County, Kenya, David Omondi Olela
Exploring quality classroom questioning as practiced by teachers in the teaching and learning process: a case of a secondary school in Siaya, Kenya., Samuel Ojode Oluoch
An exploration of the use of spoken english in diploma teacher education colleges: a case of southern highlands zone of Tanzania, Rizick Nyambo Onani
Opportunities digital technologies present for women in media: multi-case study of newsrooms in Kenya, Faith P. Oneya
Newspaper’s quest for survival in the era of digital disruption: the case of the Daily Nation, Dave Oluoch Opiyo
Mathematical symbolization: students’ proficiency in using symbols, Peter Okoth Oyoo
Graphic organisers (GOs) as a reading strategy to improve reading comprehension skills of grade 6 students in a government school of district Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan, Rajeesh Parshotam
MUCH1-XBP1 crosstalk in multiple myeloma, Sheerien Kareem Rajput
Case study describing access to palliative care in Pakistan, Salma Amin Rattani
A case study of grades 7 and 8 English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ practices of questioning, Abdul Rehman
Enhancing English Language speaking skills through using communicative language teaching to boost secondary school students’ motivation to speak, Noorani Abdul Rehman
Expression analysis and prognostic significance of androgen receptor and cancer stem cell markers in invasive breast cancer with emphasis on metaplastic carcinoma, Nazia eauthor Riaz
Teachers’ use of formative assessment in teaching reading comprehension in the transition class in Moyo sub-county, Moyo District., Kinyaa Ayia Rufina
Mobile application for summative assessment of language literacies in primary education in Tanzania, Musa Saimon
Occult hepatitis b virus infection in a cohort of HIV infected antiretroviral therapy naïve adults, Adil Suleiman Salyani
Combining strain elastography with conventional ultrasound to improve the diagnostic evaluation of thyroid nodules, Faraaz R. Shariff
Effect of UNMASKES on Delivering Difficult News among Residents, Karishma Sharma
In-house instructional materials development at a private, English medium school in Karachi : A case study, Javeria Shamim Siraj
Parents perception of early childhood education: a case study of Mahango a rural sub-county in Kasese District-Uganda, Eria Sukutha
Determinants of pathological response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in women with breast cancer in Kenya, Ngayu Munga Thairu
Head teachers’ views of instructional leadership: a case study of four primary school head teachers in Kitgum Municipal Council, Uganda, Olanya Michael West
Exploring the self-efficacy beliefs of trainee teachers of an English Language programme in a private setting in GB, Malika Zahra
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Eligibility and patient barriers to peritoneal dialysis in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease, Saleem Mohamed Abdulkarim
Factors associated with cardiac dysfunction following anthracyline-based chemotherapy in adults in a tertiary hospital in Nairobi, Joseph Odunga Abuodha
Using discussion as a teaching technique to improve learners oral communication skills in english language lessons: a case of a rural public school in Homa Bay County, Kenya, Linet Adhiambo Agele
Is there an association between placental inflammatory lesions and vaginal microbiota in preterm labour? A case control study, David Ogechi Atandi
Is there an association between placental inflammatory lesions and vaginal microbiota in preterm labour? A case control study, David Ogechi Atandi
Is there an association between placental inflammatory lesions and vaginal microbiota in preterm labour? a case control study, David Ogechi Atandi
Exploring how a-level biology teachers integrate ICT in teaching and learning: A case of a private school in Dar es salaam, Tanzania, Florian Nelson Bessango
The effects of sheng on the acquisition of speaking and writing skills of english language. A case study of a secondary school in Kenya, Cecilia Nang'eni Bilishi
Exploring the role of schools in supporting professional development for pre-primary teachers: a case of two public primary schools in Moshi Municipality, Frank A. Christian
The effects of English as language of instruction on teaching history in two schools in Monduli district, Agness Dominick
Enhancing students’ speaking skills in an ESL classroom through debate: an action research, Oryono Joseph Duke
Exploring teachers’ integration of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching young learners in Tanzania: a case study of a public primary school in Temeke, HUMPHREY FRANK ELIAS
Role of teacher’s constructive feedback in improving grade 5 students’ writing skills in a public school in Karachi, Kaneez Fatima
ICT in the classroom: an examination of the use of ICT’s among student teachers with visual impairment (VI) in one teacher’s college, Calvin Francis
Reading in English : Attitudes and strategies of B.Ed. (Hons) students in Karachi, Pakistan, Rabiya Ashraf Ganatra
Exploring the role of teacher leadership for school improvement: a case study of a public secondary school in Homa Bay county in Kenya., Tobias Ogweno Gor
Comparison of vaginal microbiota in women with spontaneous preterm labour versus those with term labour, Edgar Gulavi
Exploring the role of volunteerism in developing leadership skills amongst the youth of Ismaili Muslim Community in the context of Karachi, Pakistan, Farhan Fida Hussain
Artificial intelligence in higher education, Hamis Juma
Health care responses to meet the need of patients with lower limb amputation at a tertiary care hospital: A qualitative descriptive study, Saba Saleem Kabani
Effect of video-based information on pre-operative state trait anxiety inventory scores in adult patients presenting for elective caesarean section, Timothy Kanyeki
Understanding the grade V students’ ecological identity in Karachi and helping them in enhancing their ecological consciousness, Najmi Khatoon
Assessment of the per-hospital and facility-based trauma care in Kabul, Afghanistan : A mixed method study, Umerdad Khudadad
An investigation into how teachers support learners reading in grade one: a study of a selected primary school in Kenya, Kisumu County, Nyando sub-County, Felix Okoth K'ochuka
Exploring the secondary school students’ experiences in the learning of logarithms in form three class; a case of a secondary school in Homa Bay County, Kenya., Jared Odhiambo Magero
Key competencies for teacher leadership practice, Vivian Maikweki
Prevalence and outcome of asymptomatic Cryptococcal antigenemia in art naive and art experienced HIV patients in Dar es salaam, Tanzania, Charles Mandela Makakala
To investigate how summative examinations influence the teaching of English language in form four classes, Nthenya Mwongela Makali
Female genital mutilation and its medicalizationa qualitative study among healthcare professionals and community leaders in Kisii County, Douglas Oimeke Mariita
Patients perspective on the non-urgent use of the emergency department in Kenya, Carolyne Robai Matifary
Chronic post mastectomy pain in adult female patients at Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi, Jared Owour Mbete
The role of the school principal in the implementation of education reforms, Esther Mumbua Mbondo
Exploring the use of assessment for learning in mathematics teaching and learning: a case study of one secondary school in Temeke municipal DSM, Tanzania, Selemani Said Mdee
Investigating how play is used to develop oral language in a pre- primary school in Taita Taveta county, Edita Wanyika Mghendi
Exploring how primary school teachers integrate children’s ideas in science during teaching and learning: a case of one primary school in Arua district, Draleku John Jay Milsome
Barriers to definitive hyper-acute management of stroke at a tertiary facility in Nairobi, Kenya, Caroline Wangui Mithi
The management of teaching and learning resources by teacher leaders: a study of a public primary school in Moshi municipality, Tanzania, Amoni Sifuni Mrutu
Magnitude of screening for gestational diabetes mellitus in an urban setting in Tanzania, Akampa Mukuve
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): engaging high school students in a photovoice project on school health promotion using their own smart devices in Nakuru north of Nakuru County, Kenya, Francis Wacieni Mureithi
The role of peer mentoring in influencing the teaching practices in secondary schools: a case study of Millennial high school in Kampala, Uganda, Ibrahim Mutebi
Complementary feeding practices and their determinants in infants and young children on follow up at a private tertiary Hospital in Nairobi, Catherine Muthoni
Investigating how parental involvement influences learning outcomes of their children in early childhood education in Taita Taveta County, Aithophel Mzumbi Mwaisaka
To investigate approaches teachers utilize in supporting Kiswahili composition writing in secondary schools: a case study of Taita Taveta County., Mary Mghoi Mwandashi
An exploration of teachers’ experiences in teaching literacy in the new competency based curriculum in Taita taveta county; Kenya, Elias Mwangeka
The use of multimodality in the teaching and learning of imaginative composition in a form two secondary school classroom –an action research, Philemon Righa Mwanguwe
Leadership against the odds: a case study of successful female leadership in Taita Taveta County, Kenya, Sikuku Mercy Nafula