Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Quality of life among post-liver transplant recipients at a private tertiary care hospital, in Islamabad Pakistan, Shumaila Batool
Comparison of outcomes of open reduction versus open reduction salter osteotomy for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) among children at French Medical Institute for Children, Kabul, Afghanistan, Shekaib Rahman Behroz
Teacher leadership in upholding professional ethics in primary schools in Abim district – Uganda, Aupe Steven Biko
Investigating teacher educators’ application of active teaching and learning: a case of Belgian - teacher training education project at a national teachers’college in Arua, West Nile-Uganda, Drani Ronald Bileah
Medical student perceptions of an ideal mentorship programme : a qualitative study, Syed Raziuddin Biyabani
Exploring the implementation of Tanzania pre-primary curriculum of 2016: a case study of Nachingwea district, Tanzania, Bakari Chambo
Exploration of the enhancement of scientific literacy by nursery school teachers: a case of excel nursery school, in eastern Uganda., Adengo Emmanuel
Exploring use of teaching aids in the teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools in Uganda Maracha district, Badaru Florence
Patients’ Level of Knowledge and Perception of the Involvement of Post-Graduate Trainees in their Surgical Care at Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi., Jane Mugure Githae
Correlation between Ovarian Volume and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome using Ultrasound., Ndecho Muriuki Guandaru
The diagnostic yield of current practice of paediatric intravenous urography in Afghanistan in presence of ultrasonography; cross-sectional analytic study at FMIC, Kabul, Hidayatullah Hamidi
Knowledge and practice of physicians regarding medical imaging in Kabul, Afghanistan, Mer Mahmood Shah Hoshang
Exploring the application and importance of multimodality in language and literacy classrooms: a case of a primary school in Monduli district, Abdallah Shaban Hoza
Student leadership opportunities and possibilities: A case from two public secondary schools of District Shigar in Gilgit-Baltistan, Nasir Hussain
The cauldron of social accountability : searching for the right potion, Riffat Parveen Hussain
Association of shift work with stress among registered nurses at a tertiary care hospital of Karachi, Pakistan, Syed Ahmad Hussain
Relation between perceptions of residents about educational environment and years of residency education, Mariam Iqbal
Exploring mathematics teachers’ perceptions of professional development in Tanzanian secondary schools: a case study of two public secondary schools in Ilala municipality in Dar es salaam, Tatu Selemani Irunde
A systematic review of water treatment strategies for childhood diarrhoea in low and middle income settings, Shaista Jabeen
Teaching fractions for conceptual understanding to grade IV students in a private school of Gilgit-Baltistan, Sitara Jabeen
Exploring teachers practices in the teaching of composition writing skills, Watsulu M. Jacquline
Exploring teachers' perceptions and practices regarding formative assessment in a private school system in the Chitral District of Pakistan, Muhammad Jafar
Investigating parental involvement in their childrens education in a government aided secondary school in Maracha Uganda, Alesi Judith
The roles of school management committee in school improvement: the case of public secondary school in Zanzibar, Nassor Mzee Juma
Barriers and enabling factors for introducing Kangaroo mother care in the rural setting of Sindh : a case study in district Dadu, Pakistan, Muhammad Juman
A study to explore classroom factors influencing the teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools: a case of a secondary school in Tanga region Tanzania, Lola Selele Kamaghe
Using self-study to explore the teaching of topics perceived to be difficult by students in a high school chemistry classroom, Mahwish Kanwal
Women's satisfaction from delivery services in public sector health facility in district Hyderabad, Aftab Ahmed Kazi
Factors responsible for low retention of community midwives (CMWs) in Sind, Pakistan, Adnan Ahmed Khan
Perceptions and experiences of women about their help seeking behavior violence for domestic violence in Chitral : a qualitative exploratory case study design, Nigar Abdul Jabbar Khan
Understanding the selected data analysis skills in science of grade VII students engaged in inquiry lessons, Saima Khisro Khan
Enhancing the writing skills of grade seven students in a private school in Karachi, Sajad Khan
Learning from voluntary services : Perspectives of the Ismaili youth in Karachi, Saresh Khemani
Perceptions regarding quality standards of managing cardiac emergencies in tertiary care setup; from best evidence to best practice, Anaiz Ahmed Khowaja
Comparision between bonded amalgam sealants and resin based sealants : a randomized controlled trial in children aged 12 to 16 years from Karachi, Pakistan, Samreen Ali Khowaja
Utilizing play in developing learning of numeracy skills in pre primary children in Nachingwea district, Lindi region, Noreen Melchades Kwezi
Reducing attitudes of prejudice and discrimination through literature in 'Personal Social Health Education' (PSHE) classes: A quasi-experiment on the upper key-stage 2 students of the British schools in Karachi, Pakistan, Munir Mehboob Ali Lalani
Investigation of procedures of assessment used for preprimary children - Moshi municipality, Tanzania, Laurent Festo Manyono
Exploring tutors experiences in teaching local language as a subject in primary teachers colleges (PTCS): case of Ntinda PTC in Uganda, Khaitsa Margaret
Prevalence of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Overweight and Obese Children Seeking Ambulatory Health Services in Nairobi, Anne Njeri Mburu
LHW's role in the provision of nutrition services for under 5 children in peri-urban areas of Karachi - a qualitative study, Nazia Nadir Ali Merchant
Exploring the head teacher’s preparedness for the implementation of the Kenya competence based curriculum, Cecilia Mwakisha Mganga
Promotion of scientific literacy in primary education: A case of a school in Taita-Taveta county, Kenya., Wamvua Andrew Mshambala
Teaching and learning effects in the context of free education policy in a community secondary school: a case of Moshi municipality- Tanzania, Frank Elimringi Mshiu
Quality of life of hematopoietic stem cell transplant survivors in Pakistan, Nadia Pyarali Mulji
Prevalence of Cytotoxin associated Gene-A Positive Strains in Children with Symptomatic H. Pylori Infection, Patricia Mumbi Muriithi
Investigating the use of multimodality to promote literacy development in early years in Kenya, Naomi Muthoni Murungi
Investigation of factors influencing scientific literacy among the preschool teacher trainees on practicum, Kathleen Khakasa Musungu
Prevalence of Positive Depression Screen among Post Miscarriage Women at The Aga Khan University Hospital, Steve Kyende Mutiso
Presentation of disability in English textbooks in secondary schools in Kenya, Maria Waruguru Mwaura
Integration of ICT in teaching and learning biology: a case study of a secondary school in Mvomero district, Tanzania., Jamal Hassan Mwaya
Examining the teaching of reading in early years classes: Case study of one government school in Mpwapwa district, Matteo Elias Mwita
Exploring students' engagement with methodology during their M.ED. dissertations, Khadija Nadeem
Hospital-related factors associated with multidrug resistant organism acquisition : a cross-control study, Nosheen Nasir
Depression, perceived stress, and resilience among pregnant woman in two maternity hospitals Karachi, Pakistan, Summaira Nasir
Understanding how selected data analysis skills are used by grade VIII science students engaged in inquiry in science, Nazia Nizam
Immunohistochemical p21 expression in Breast Cancer: Association with patient and tumour characteristics, Benjamin N. Njihia
The integration of learners with emotional and behavioural difficulties in mainstream primary school curriculum: an examination of teachers and teaching challenges in Mombasa County, Kenya, Kennedy Chege Njuguna
Secondary school mathematics teachers’ utilization of professional development programs in Kenya, Josephine Kerubo Nthiwa
Use of multimedia in the teaching and learning of poetry in English in a public secondary, school in Migori County, Kenya: an action research, Monica A. Odhiambo
The use of multimedia in teaching and learning of difficult chemistry practical concepts, in one secondary school in Homabay County in Kenya, Chrispine Ochieng Odindo
Association between Female Sexual Dysfunction and Fertility among Women of Reproductive Age at The Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi., Felix Mwembi Oindi
The leadership practices of a novice head teacher in a public primary school in Kenya, Peter Ochieng Okiri
Comparison of Image Quality in High Pitch Free Breathing Versus Standard Pitch Breath-Holding Computed Tomographic Pulmonary Angiography., Kevin Onyinkwa Ombati
Association between Calcaneal Spurs and Plantar Fasciitis: A Study Comparing Heel Plain Radiography and Sonography, Micah Silaba Ominde
Investigating approaches that inform methods teachers use while teaching essay writing – a case of a public secondary school in Taita-Taveta County, Kenya., Audrey Rita Shiyayo Osore
Validation of the Iief - 5 Questionnaire in a Clinic Population at Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi, Denis Otim
Assessment of primary school science teachers’ use of classroom questioning techniques in Shinyalu division, Kenya, Stephen Mukabana Owade
How the hospital waste is being managed in the public sector hospitals Hyderabad Sindh, Pakistan, Muhammad Moosa Qazi
Exploring effectiveness of the programme evaluation practices used in the private educational organization in Karachi, Ibad-Ur Rehman
Evaluation of pyeloplasty among children with pelvouretric junction stenosis at French Medical Institute for Mothers and Children, Kabul, Afghanistan, Yalda Obaidy Saie