"Exploring teachers’ integration of Information Communication Technolog" by HUMPHREY FRANK ELIAS

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M. Ed.)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Nipael Mrutu


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


The aim of this study was to explore how teachers integrate the use of ICT in teaching young learners (0 to 8 years) in Tanzania; a case study of one public primary school in Temeke Municipality. The study used a qualitative approach with a case study design of one primary school in Temeke municipal. The collection of data was through interviews, document analysis and observation. This study will be important to the teachers, the government, young leaners, and other stakeholders to take initiatives for improving teacher’s integration of ICT in teaching early years children. ICT Policy for Basic Education 0f 2007 and Education and Training Policy of 2014 ETP are discussed because they are the foundation of ICT in Tanzanian education especially in pre and primary schools. Competence-Based Curriculum, Pre-primary curriculum as well as Basic standards for preprimary education in Tanzania documents were also critically discussed and analyzed. The findings of the study provide reference that, primary teachers are not integrating ICT in teaching early years learners due to a number of reasons: such reasons include teachers’ inadequate training both in-service and pre-service, inadequate ICT tools and infrastructures like computers, printers, internet and electricity supply, teachers’ negative attitudes towards ICT, and absence of ICT books. To tackle these challenges, I argue that teachers should be adequately on how to integrate ICT in teaching and learning, provision of ICT tools and infrastructure to the government primary schools in Tanzania, teachers should change their attitudes towards ICT, colleges and universities should equip teachers with relevant ICT skills of the 21st generation demands.
