Theses & Dissertations | Aga Khan University


Theses/Dissertations from 2021


Uptake and determinants of cervical cancer screening among health care workers in Aga Khan university hospital, Nairobi Kenya., Doreen Moraa Osoro


Exploring how teachers deal with students’ errors in mathematics: a case of a secondary school in Siaya County, Kenya., John Robert Owala Ouko


Radiographic patterns of different aetiologies of community acquired pneumonia in patients presenting to Aga Khan University, Hanika Ajaykumar Patel


The effectiveness of digital health interventions for weight loss in postpartum women: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Logan Rabuogi


Exploratory study on the teaching of reading in lower primary classes: a case one government primary school in Kocheka Sub County, Uganda., Kulwenza Rachael

Secondary hyperparathyroidism and its clinical and biochemical associated factors in patients on maintenance hemodialysis in Dar es salaam, Doris Samwel



Exploring experiences of mathematics teachers integrating ICT in their online teaching practices during covid-19 pandemic, Rubina Shaheen


Exploring the effects of digital disruption on radio revenues among urban radio stations in Kenya, Baron Khamadi Shitemi

Helping mothers to engage their children in doing Mathematics, Samida Sikandar

A comparison of intergrowth-21st method to hadlock formula in Estimating fetal weight in low-risk pregnancies, Esther Nafula Simiyu

Beyond prescribed curriculum: understanding primary school teachers` perspective of hidden curriculum in the context of Karachi, Pakistan, Nabila Siraj


Viability of digital subscription in Uganda: an analysis of Chimpreports’ paywall, Alex Taremwa Mr

Using English language classroom in the 21st century to teach the values of responsibility and cooperation to grade 7 students in a private school in Karachi, Pakistan, Kanwal Tariq


The impact of data smog on editorial processes: an assessment of journalists’ coverage of Covid-19 pandemic in Kenya, Anita Chepkoech Tesot Ms


Compliance to imaging follow up recommendations among patients with bi-rads 3 breast lesions, Florence Thuita


Comparison of postoperative pain scores following bilateral erector spinae versus bilateral transversus abdominis plane blocks in parturients undergoing elective caesarean delivery under spinal anaesthesia at the Aga Khan University hospital, Nairobi, Rawlings Thuranira

Role of headteachers in addressing the challenges of initiating digital literacy skills in district Hunza, Gilgit-Baltistan, Karim Ullah


An exploratory study of fake news and the 2017 presidential elections in Kenya, Anthony Kuria Wanjiru Mr


Exploring the role of literature in english second language acquisition to promote speaking competencies: a case of public secondary schools in Moshi Rural – District., Violet Magessa William

Knowledge, attitudes and practice of venous thromboembolism risk assessment among surgical doctors in Tanzania, BISWALO MUGETA YANGO



Theses/Dissertations from 2020


Etiologies of lower respiratory tract infections among adult patients presenting to a tertiary institution in Nairobi, Mary Achakolong

Integration of visual arts to promote students’ critical thinking and creativity in social studies classroom in a primary school Hunza, Safeena Afser

Exploring the experiences of school principals in the school improvement process : A case study of two model high schools in the context of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), Gul Aftab

A study of the conditions created by schools in and outside the classroom for promoting civic sensibility among secondary school students in district Chitral, Pakistan, Sher Afzal

The relationships between conceptions and opportunities of teachers’ professional development, Aamna Rais Ahmed

What matters – teaching qualification or subject matter knowledge? : Comparing classroom practices of teachers with and without pre-service professional qualification in primary public schools of district Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Afaq Ahmed

Exploring fathers’ perceptions and experiences of their roles to support their child’s early language development (3-4 years old children) in Turbat and Gwadar in Baluchistan, Sadia Naseer Ahmed

Exploring performance of the headteachers appointed through recruitment test : A case study from district Khairpur Mirs` Sindh, Javed Ali


An exploration of how teachers deal with secondary school students’ errors and misconceptions in mathematics teaching and learning in Dar es salaam, Tanzania, Zaituni Otindo Ali

Exploring the perceptions of stakeholders about the role of assessment (classroom-based assessment) on students’ learning motivation Karachi, Pakistan, Zehra Shoukat Ali


Exploration of mathematics teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge for teaching subtraction strategies. a case of Kwania Disrict, Uganda., Owino Ambrose

Clinical and echocardiographic characteristics of patients with diastolic dysfunction in Kenya, Etienne Amendezo

To investigate, how peer feedback contributes to enhance grade 5 science teacher’s formative assessment practices in a private school in Hunza, Naila Amin


The association of maternal sociodemographic factors with stress in pregnancy, Maheshwari Andhavarapu


The quality of life of patients with early breast cancer and their partners one year after breast conserving surgery versus modified radical mastectomy: a single centre five year review, Senoga Andrew

Exploring the impact of inclusive education in SIP on teachers’ classroom practices in govt schools in Silgan Valley, Ghizer District in Gilgit-Baltistan, Mohammad Asif


Effective use of hearing aids for acquisition of spoken language for learners with hearing impairement: case of Kisumu County, Kenya, Alice Anyango Auma


Investigating primary school teacher’s knowledge of creating and using rubrics to improve learning: a case of public primary schools, Kisumu County in Kenya, Cecilia Awuor

Secondary and higher secondary school chemistry teachers’ misconceptions of chemical bonding : Comparison across regions in Pakistan, Shahina Wazir Baig

Exploring gendered nature of illustrations in government primary schools’ social studies textbook, Taiba Yar Baig


Cyto-histological correlation of thyroid cytology and associated adverse surgical outcomes at aga khan university hospital, Nairobi., Moses Barasa

Investigating teachers’ practices of designing achievement tests in grade vii and viii science in public and private schools in Chitral, Bashir ud din

Perceptions and experiences of professional development in the initial years of teaching: A case of B.Ed. (Hons) graduated teachers, Rabia Batool

Exploring adolescent girls' perceptions and experiences about their entry and re-entry in education through non-formal education provision, Seemi Batool

Exploring teachers’ perceptions and practices of supporting early writing development in early childhood classrooms in Gojal Hunza., Sadia Begum

Prior mammographic screening: What is its effect on the clinical stage in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients at AKUHN, Jillo Bika


Prior mammographic screening: what is its effect on the clinical stage in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients at Akuhn., Jillo Bika


Exploring secondary school learners’ experiences of learning english online or remotely during COVID-19 pandemic., Florence Achieng' Deya

Exploring reflections of a private education board`s mission of a equity in policy and practice : A case study of two schools, Gillian Ann Dsouza


The needs at 48 hours of immediate family members of patients admitted to the intensive care unit at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi, Maalim Fahad

Enabling a science teacher to teach online, Ridah Feroz


Ethical decision-making in the digital age: the case of graphic images in Kenyan print and online newspapers, Patrick Gathara

Exploring student teachers` self-reported experiences and perceptions about practicum in B.ED (HONS) : A survey study from the province of Sindh, Muhammad Hafeez

Exploring perceptions of teachers' readiness to implement national ECE curriculum in the context of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, through the stakeholders' perspectives, Asad Hisham

Teachers’ attitudes about career education in middle grades in context of Northern Sindh, Pakistan, Zahid Hussain


An investigation on the causes of student’s poor performance of bookkeeping subject in form four national examinations: a case of Ubungo Municipal Council, Mshindo Idd

The perceptions of the newly recruited public school teachers about inclusive education in Northern Sindh, Ghazanfar Iqbal


Barriers to timely disclosure of HIV serostatus: a qualitative study at care and treatment centres in Dar es salaam, Tanzania, NEELAM AKBER ISMAIL


The clinicodemographic profile of multiple sclerosis at Aga Khan University Hospital (Nairobi), Imran Jamal


“Classroom practices of primary school teachers of english: examining the potential application of post method pedagogy in Kenya”, Karanja Paul Kabogo


Challenges of implementing convergence in Kenyan newsrooms: a case of The Standard Group PLC, Julian Wanjiru Kamau


An assessment of the role of clinical supervision in improving the quality of teaching: a case study of a secondary school in Kilifi north sub-county, Kenya, Hurriet Riziki Karani

Exploring the facilitating and hindering factors in enacting school management committee’s school improvement roles in Gilgit-Baltistan., Aziz Karim

Exploring processes and issues of implementing performance assessment in grade 7th science classroom of Karachi, Pakistan, Noorani Karim Jindani

Exploring perceptions of teachers about accelerated curriculum and their teaching practices in non-formal basic education setting in two districts of Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan, Imran Khan

An exploratory study on the perceptions of science teachers about the use of videos in science classroom at primary level in private schools in Gilgit., Jamila Muhammad Ajab Khan

Teaching mathematics for social justice : An action research study, Shagufta Sojhro Khan

Understanding how a school principal and teachers work together to implement project-based learning and other practices to help their students acquire the 21st century skills in a private school in Karachi, Pakistan, Shahida Hassan Khan


A changing profession: examining newsroom roles and skills in the digital age, Kenfrey Mwenda Kiberenge


The effects of streaming secondary school students according to their academic performance in Hai District, Kilimanjaro, Tunzoely Kikaho


Long term health related quality of life following Uterine Fibroid Embolization at Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi, Michael Muthoka Kioko


Analysis of terminal duct lobular unit involution in luminal, her-2enriched and triple negative breast cancer subtypes, Joseph Nyaguti Kiwinga


Validation of Kiswahili version of world health organization quality of life-HIV bref questionnaire among people living with HIV/AIDS in Tanzania., NURU ABDALLAH KONDO


Secondary School Students’ Use of Smartphones: what can we learn about Learners’ Devices to Improve Learning?, Iddi Kasanda Kwiligwa


Assessment of activity levels and perceived barriers or facilitators to physical activity in pregnancy at Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya, Zoya Virji Lalani


Association between dialysate sodium concentration and interdialytic weight gain in patients undergoing twice weekly haemodialysis, Soraiya Manji

An action research on reading comprehension development at kindergarten level using interactive read-aloud strategy by providing in-service training to teachers, Lubaina Maryam


Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin d levels in children with mild and severe atopic asthma, Rhoda Ndinda Masaku


Prevalence and factors associated to incidental prostate carcinoma among patients undergoing turp for benign prostatic enlargement., Isaac Herman Mawalla


The burden of urinary incontinence among African diabetic and non-diabetic women seeking care at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi, Martin Kimemia Mbuthia


Investigating the effect of assessment feedback on student's learning and performance in mathematics: a case of two community secondary schools in Moshi Municipality, Tanzania, Alex Mlemba


Perceptions of surgeons on surgical antibiotic prophylaxis use at aga khan hospital, Dar es Salaam., Elizabeth Elibariki Mmari


A document analysis of the implementation of competency-based curriculum: investigating the role of head teachers in Kenya., Patience Wabosha Mnengwa


Knowledge of inhaler use among medical officers in the management of asthma in children in Dar es salaam, Tanzania, Hannah Moore


Utility of glasgow-blatchford scoring system in identification of low risk patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding in emergency departments in Dar es salaam hospitals, Tanzania, Selestin D. Mpiri


Exploring teachers’ formative assessment practices in improving biology learning and performance: a case of selected community secondary school in Moshi Municpality, Beatitude Jackson Mrema


Timing and factors that contribute to the decision making process on the mode of delivery after one previous casearean section., Sylvia Nyanyu Mruttu


Profile of cardiac arrhythmia in acute stroke patients, Julius Stephen Nkhondeya Msukuya


Online audience as gatekeepers: the influence of web analytics on content selection in Kenya’s top five news websites, Joel Mulonzi Muinde


Breast cancer recurrence rate in patients treated for early breast cancer, Cecilia Munguti

Improving argumentation skills and content knowledge of grade-ix students through socio-scientific issues-based science teaching: A quasi-experiment research in Karachi, Pakistan, Uzma Munir


Von Willebrand disease among women of African descent attending the Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi, with menorrhagia, Angela Nabutilu Munoko

Exploring parents’ perceptions about their preschool child’s learning and development and their role to support it in the context of Pakistan, Anum Malik Murad Ali Kheraj


Local anaesthetic wound infusion versus thoracic epidural analgesia for post-operative pain control following elective laparotomy: a randomised controlled trial, Daniel Gathege Mwangi


Exploring the influence of language teachers’ experiences of learning language on their teaching practices, Paul Kinuthia Mwangi


Discordance between breast imaging and histopathology findings after ultrasound guided core needle biopsy, Margaret Mutinda Mwania


Outcomes of inpatients hospitalized with community acquired pneumonia, Jamila Nambafu


Mathematics teachers’ preparedness to teach in a virtual classroom: focus on COVID-19 impact on education, Jemimah Wangui Ng'ang'a