"Teachers’ use of formative assessment in teaching reading comprehensio" by Kinyaa Ayia Rufina

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Peter Kajoro

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Fortidas.R. Bakuza


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


Studies revealed that appropriate use of formative assessment when teaching reading comprehension develops learner’s self-efficiency and builds their confidence in learning. The vital goal of formative assessment is to develop learner’s ability and skills that can make them responsible for their own learning. Unfortunately, most teachers have inadequate knowledge on the effective use of formative assessment in teaching reading comprehension. The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers use of formative assessment in teaching reading comprehension in the transition class. The researcher applied a qualitative approach for collection and analysis of raw data and employed an exploratory case study design so as to obtain an in-depth information. The researcher used research tools such as semi-structured interview guide, focus group discussion guide and document analysis guide for the seven participants to obtain the information on use of formative assessment in teaching reading comprehension in the transition class. Data was analyzed by identifying the formative assessment strategies and activities as well as the challenges teachers encounter in teaching reading comprehension. The finding of the study revealed that teachers use instructional materials, peer support, creation of class library, remediation, and support supervision as formative assessment strategies teachers use in teaching reading comprehension. The study further identified class exercises, asking of oral questions, tests, dictation of text, and re-reading stories as formative assessment activities teachers give to assess learner’s competence in reading comprehension. However, despite the fact that teachers apply the above formative assessment strategies and activities, most teachers do not implement it effectively to support assessment of the learner’s comprehension reading skills for formative purpose. The findings further revealed that teachers encounter several challenges such as; limited reading materials, infrastructure, continuous professional development (CPDs), and time allocation which hinders the effective implementation of formative assessment in teaching reading comprehension in the transition class. In light to this findings, the researcher recommends the following; District Education Office to plan for regular CPDs specifically on formative assessment use in teaching reading comprehension. The inspector of schools, CCTs, Associate Assessors to in cooperate and enforce the use of formative assessment in their monitoring and supervision tools. Head Teachers, Deputies and Senior Education Assistants be empowered to conduct regular classroom supervision to enhance formative assessment use in teaching reading comprehension. Furthermore, school management and administrators to plan for instructional materials to supplement on the limited ones provided by government. Since the study was focused in Moyo sub-county, Moyo district, a similar study could be conducted in other sub-counties to investigate the practical classroom implementation of formative assessment in teaching reading comprehension in the transition class. Lastly, a large study be conducted to investigate the teachers’ attitude towards formative assessment use in teaching and learning process.
