Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Strategy for establishment of a Swahili creative economy and innovation ecosystem, Omar Swaleh Abubakar
Investigating consumer determinants of news subscriptions among media in Keny, Gerald Andae
The impact of layoffs on journalists who remain employed by media Organisations in Kenya, Gloria Lihavi Aradi
An assessment of participation and contribution of women journalists in news processes: a case of Vision Group, Uganda, Caroline Arinaitwe
Media coverage of the closure of the Rwanda-Uganda border in the period 2019-2022., Irigoga Charlotte
What do they love? A study of digital media consumption by young university audiences in Uganda, Allan Chekwech
Exploring the link between digital literacy and safety among Kenyan children, Collins Orono Etyang
Exploring news consumption habits of female audiences and impact on media sustainability., Anne Njeri Kanina
Ai adoption in content management at Nation Media Group, Grace Kerongo
Embracing digital disruption in Tanzania: insights from Mwananchi communications Limited print-to-digital multimedia journey, Absalom Norman Kibanda
Evaluating the viability of monetizing media content Archives: A case of Vision Group, Eva F. Nabagesera Kirunda
An examination of the phenomenon of celebrity journalism in the digital era, Edwin Mutugi Kuria
Media viability in resource-constrained newsrooms: The Case of the Observer Newspaper in Uganda, Nakitimbo Amelia Martha
Journalists perception of the effectiveness of wellness programs at Vision Group, Edna Ruth Mubiru
Investigating the role of data analytics in news production and distribution: a case of Nation Media group-Uganda, Clare Muhindo
An analysis of the user-needs for premium content subscribers: The case Monitor Publications Limited, Emmanuel Mutaizibwa
Examining ethics in new media, Anthony Irungu Mwangi
Growing audiences through the free subscription model, Charity Nyambura
Investigating leadership influence on adoption of artificial intelligence in corporate communication, Ernest Cornel Oduor
Employee engagement in rebranding, Violet Andoyo Otindo
An analysis of factors contributing to women leaving newsrooms in Uganda, Abalo Irene Otto
The role of drama series in attracting and retaining audiences for Bukedde television., Akanyijuka Roggers
An analysis of Kenya sign language in children’s programming on Kenyan TV: towards effective strategies for incorporating KSL on Akili TV programs, Anne Junny Sato
Media framing of climate change in Kenyan print media, Eddie Kiptanui Tallam
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Digital transformation in a legacy media house: a case study of nation media group’s tag brand studio, Sheila Adam
Digital activism through humour and satire: an analysis of the use of TikTok and X for political accountability in Uganda., Shemei Agabo
Factors affecting retention of journalists at Etop radio in Soroti city, eastern Uganda., Joseph Akiiso
Assessing YouTube vloggers’ ethical conduct and impact on political discourse in the 2021 Uganda general Elections., Otto John Alex
Examining the role and implications of twitter on news production in Ugandan newsrooms: a case of nation media group Uganda, Elizabeth Amongin
Local content monetization strategies for revenue generation employed by independent tv producers on Ott platforms in Kenya., Misiko Andere
The prevalence of stress and stressors among pediatric oncology nurses working in pediatric oncology units in Pakistan - An analytical cross-sectional study, Shenila Anwarali
Print media coverage of digital land registration in Kenya: A case of daily nation and standard newspapers., Olgah Aluoch Atellah
News media content shifts and declining youth news consumption in Uganda’s legacy media: a case study of the new vision., Alex Bagyenzire Atuhaire
Media coverage of the covid-19 pandemic: a case of new vision and daily monitor in Uganda., Eve Atukunda
Universities as innovation hubs for television stations in Uganda., Imokola John Baptist
Exploring the viability of a hybrid e-commerce portal as an alternative revenue model for nation media group Uganda, Samuel Kanyaihe Barata
An analysis of status of journalism following transitions of journalists from newsrooms in Kenya, Asha Bekidusa
An investigation into the female correspondents' experiences in the media industry in Kenya, Pili Chizi Chimerah
Understanding the effects of twitter crisis events on brand reputation: the case of Strathmore University and KFC Kenya., Wambui Gachari
Towards an efficient management of fake news in the digital media era newsrooms. A case study of citizen digital, royal media services., Francis Gachuri
A study of how leadership influences newsroom convergence in radio Africa group., Francis Mureithi Gatimu
Journalists understanding and coverage of extrajudicial killings in Kenya., Susan Kendi Gitonga
Digital media and democratization: The role of x in promoting participatory democracy in Rwanda., Christophe Hitayezu
Investigating the impact of digital transformation on legacy media in Uganda: the case of new vision newspaper., Francis Kagolo
An analysis of print media’s coverage of women in stories focused on economic activities., Patricia Kigula
Developing a fact-checking model for election disinformation, Kenneth Kiunga
An analysis of the contribution of industrial attachment in journalism training in Kenya: challenges and opportunities for an effective framework, Yusuf Ali Lakicha
Strategies for growing audience for community radio in the digital era. The case of Arua One FM., Grace Rechue Lekuru
Analyzing the viability of subscription revenue model for the standard group in Kenya., Anthony Manyonge Makokha
Employing data visualization for effective health communication in Nairobi, Kenya: a study of select media houses., Rabudi Charles Mark
Covid-19 disruptions and coping strategies for media houses in Uganda: case of next media services, Arthur Matsiko
Integration of user-generated content on news reporting: a case study of a Tanzanian print newspaper., David Lyoba Mbulumi
18. Framing of the 2022 world cup in Qatar by the western media., Wanyonyi Mildred
Adapting legacy-press digital platforms to generation z media needs: a case study of Nation Africa, Kenya., Harry Cheng’oli Misiko
Impact of the implementation of paywalls in Kenya: case of nation media group., Bernard Momanyi
Examining the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in transforming print journalism in Uganda., Robert Mukasa
Role of the public editor in enhancing trust in legacy media: case study of daily monitor newspaper in Uganda., Eriasa Mukiibi
Revolutionizing vernacular radio to embrace the youth: a case of Muuga FM., Muroria Grace Mukiri
An analysis of ethical practices in production of YouTube editorial content in Rwanda., James Munyaneza
Exploring efficacy of the CPA approach in improving grade-VII students' achievement in Algebra, Wahid Murad
An investigation on gender perceptions in credibility of male and female news anchors in Kenya., Ngumbau Maluti Musau
Examining social media utility in television news programming: a case study of urban tv, Uganda., Vicent Musoke
The gig economy and labour resource practices: a case study of Africa uncensored limited, John Allan Namu
Innovating for efficiency: the use of generative AI in Kenyan newsrooms., Anthony Irari Ngugi
The viability of online niche market programming by radio stations in Uganda: an analysis of CBS FM., Samson Bill Nyatia
An analysis of the use of WhatsApp in the news-making process: a case of BBC Africa., Maureen Nasimiyu Nyukuri
An analysis of newspaper coverage of far-flung counties in Kenya, Henix Obuchunju
Print media framing of Kenya’s presidential campaigns during the 2022 general election, Brian Owens Ocharo
An analysis of the contribution of training grants to the Ugandan media: a case study of the new vision and daily monitor., Julius Odeke
Harnessing the potential of digital media for business growth of legacy media in Kenya., Lilian Odera
Customer-centric data strategies to drive revenue growth., Maxwell Okeyo
Journalism in the digital era: making the case for media research department., Yvonne Okwara
Analysis of paywalled news content in Kenya: the case of the standard group., Jared Oguta Ontobo
News media coverage of court matters involving children in Kenya., Lenox Omondi Otieno
The relevance of journalism schools in producing talent for a converged newsroom: A case of Uganda, Arthur Oyako
Examining audience perceptions and role of cookies in select news websites in Kenya: a case of nation Africa and the standard, Isabel Mwendwa Radoli
Hyperlocal digital content profits: strategizing revenue generation for new vision podcasts, Athman Raziah
Out of newsrooms and back into classrooms: the experiences of journalists in master’s studies., Simon Riitho
The framing of digital currencies in Rwandan media: a comparative study of and the new times., Cyuzuzo Jean de Dieu Samba
Employability of graduate journalists in modern media houses: a case study of nation media group as an employer., Caroline Wayeta Wafula
Breaking news stories in the age of citizen journalism: Daily Nation’s utilisation of user comments on Facebook, Agewa Waruguru Wainaina
Exploring the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation in media organizations: a case of nation media group Uganda., Emmanuel Waiswa
Exploring strategies broadcast media can use togenerate revenue from social media platforms: a case study of Galaxy FM in Uganda., Esther Nalubega Wamala
Print media coverage of conflict among pastoral communities in northern Kenya: a case study of nation and the standard newspapers., Faith Sudi Wamalwa
Content monetization: non-fungible tokens as a new revenue stream for the media sector in Kenya., Geoffrey Macharia Wamugo
Media's coverage of biotechnology and GMO’s: how Kenyan broadcast media covered the lifting of the ban on genetically modified foods., Zeynab Nyangule Wandati
Upskilling and retooling regional correspondents in a changing media landscape: a case study of royal media services limited., Fayzah Wanjiru
Analysis of media convergence at vision group Uganda, Semei Wessaali
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Pedagogical leadership practices in secondary schools of Gupis Yasin, Gilgit-Baltistan: What, why, how, and by whom?, Javed Ahmed
Stress and its associated factors in mothers with preterm infants in a private tertiary care hospital of Karachi, Pakistan, Salima Akbar
Nurses’ compliance with handover practices in adult medical surgical units at a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan, Amber Qasim Ali
Concept of health-related quality of life among people with heart failure in Karachi, Pakistan, Anny Ashiq Ali
Evaluating the symptoms and treatment-related knowledge of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy in a tertiary care hospital, Kiran Nawaz Ali