"Exploring the use of assessment for learning in mathematics teaching a" by Selemani Said Mdee

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Veronica Sarungi

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Joachim Tamba


AKU-East Africa


This study explored the use of assessment for learning (AfL) in mathematics teaching and learning in one of secondary schools in Temeke Municipal in Dar es Salaam Tanzania. The study was guided by four subsidiary questions which are: to what extent teachers clarify learning intention and share criteria for success to students and what techniques teachers use to elicit evidence of learning. The other questions were, how secondary school learners are activated as an instructional resource for one another during teaching and learning and finally, what are the methods secondary school teachers use to provide feedback that moves learning forward. The study employed qualitative approach and case study design and various data collection methods that were interview, observation, document analysis and focus group discussion. Two mathematics teachers teaching form two and three classes were selected purposively and stratified random sampling of twelve students from each class was used in order to have equal number of boys and girls. The findings of this study reveal that AfL is partially practiced in teaching and learning of mathematics in Tanzanian secondary schools and this is evidenced by teachers‟ clarifying learning intention generally rather and limited sharing of criteria for success to students during instruction. To elicit evidence of learning and students being instructional resource of another, teachers used most frequently questioning while group discussion and presentation were only occasionally used probably due to large number of students and small size of classrooms. Furthermore, teachers practiced oral and written feedback as well as students. A recommendation of the study is that teachers would improve the use of group discussions and presentations that would make students talk since from talking they may practice peer assessment and feedback. In future, researchers may study the use of AfL in large classes in Tanzanian contexts to explore in depth what teachers do and what can be improved.
