"An exploration of the use of spoken english in diploma teacher educati" by Rizick Nyambo Onani

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Mary Oluga


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


This study explored the use of spoken English in the context of a Tanzanian Diploma Teacher Education and preparation College (DTEC) where English mediates instruction and communications. Through a rapid ethnographic case study, it interviewed the College Principal, Academic Dean, Student Teachers’ Representatives, observed lessons and shadowed teacher trainees for interaction for data collection. The findings show that the use of spoken English in the DTEC is deterred by the persistent use of Kiswahili, Kiswahili/English codeswitching, noninteractive teaching methods and poor English language background. However, the college has initiated programs for promoting the use and speaking in English such as debates, intercollegiate English language forums, subject clubs and assembly speeches. The study hence recommends the change of the policy guidance allowing English and Kiswahili to co-exist in the DTEC and increase of supervision and monitoring of English language program to offer more interactive avenues for student teachers to learn and practice spoken English. In order to maintain English communication and instruction in the DTEC, there should be reinforcement of the use of spoken English in the earlier levels of education.
