"An exploration of teachers’ experiences in teaching literacy in the ne" by Elias Mwangeka

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Fortidas Bakuza

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Jane Rarieya


AKU-East Africa


The major concept of this research was that despite the efforts in trying to improve literacy levels in Kenya in recent years, literacy levels continue to be low and pervasive. Teachers lack necessary skills, understanding and strategies in handling literacy subject.

There is seemingly lack of adequate preparedness of teachers to implement literacy education in the new competency based curriculum which is evidenced by teachers’ inability to plan for literacy lessons and failure to factor in contextual teaching practices which is fundamental in literacy teaching and learning. Unavailability of support structures and professional networks among literacy teachers after training leave the implementation of literacy curriculum in limbo.

The purpose of this study was to explore teachers’ experiences in teaching literacy which is a new subject in the newly introduced competency based curriculum in Taita Taveta county, Kenya. The study aimed at understanding the perceptions, feelings and views of teachers pertaining the CBC and especially literacy learning area. The study was guided by research question which aimed at obtaining teachers’ experiences in teaching literacy subject since the inception of the new competency based curriculum.

The study adopted Rapid Ethnographic Approach which is in qualitative paradigm. The target population was literacy teachers in grade one, two and three from three schools in Taita Taveta county, Kenya. The sampling approach that was adopted was purposive sampling to select eight literacy teachers and three head teachers. Random sampling was used to select the schools that were used in the study. Interviews, observation and document analysis were used as methods of collecting data that was analyzed in order to generate findings of the study.
