"Exploring the role of schools in supporting professional development f" by Frank A. Christian

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Fortidas Bakuza

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Shelina Walli


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


This study anticipated to explore the role of schools in supporting professional development for pre-primary teachers at the school level. The literature shows that professional development is an integral part of the strategies and efforts to improve the quality of pre-primary education. It was also clear that professional development is mostly associated with training offered from outside the school setting but little has been said of how professional development is being carried out within the school setting. Therefore this study concentrated on looking for the structures and opportunities at school which support professional development (PD) for pre-primary teachers. This study employed qualitative approach to research design which involved a case study of 2 public primary schools in Moshi municipality. The sample for the study involved 2 head teachers and 2 pre-primary teachers. The data were collected using interviews which were administered to both head teachers and pre-primary teachers. The data were then transcribed, developed from transcripts to codes and from codes to themes which were used to answer the subsidiary questions. Through this study it was discovered that school administration plays a great role in influencing, supporting and enhancing professional development at the school level. The study also discovered that there was a great connection between the externally oriented training with the practicing of professional development for pre-primary teachers at the school level. The study further discovered that individual teacher exposure to ECD knowledge catalyzes the teachers’ desire and need to improve their practice. The study recommends more leadership trainings to heads of schools on how to implement and sustain school-based professional development. The study also recommends more parental involvement in preparation and implementation of training manuals for professional development. The study also recommends for the development of school-based PD guidelines to assist teachers and administrators to undertake effective professional development (PD) at school.
