"Exploring the roles of teacher leaders in promoting school improvement" by Obita Amos

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Abdalla Mohamed

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Mary Anyango Oluga


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


The purpose of this study was to explore the roles of teacher leaders in promoting school improvement in one Government-aided primary schools in Kitgum district, Uganda. It also explored the facilitating factors for school improvement.

In addition, it explored the challenges teacher leaders face in performing their school improvement roles. It employed a qualitative research approach with case design. Multiple data gathering methods, namely, the semi-structured interviews, focus group discussion and document analysis were used.

The purposeful sampling procedures were used in the selection of the participants. 13 participants who included one headteacher, six teacher leaders, and six teachers.

Findings revealed that the major roles played by teacher leaders in promoting school improvement were supervising teaching, providing guidance and counseling services, representing other teachers in the different school committees, collaborative setting goals and planning for the development of the school.

The facilitating factors included delegation of duty, empowerment of teachers through CPDs, practice of distributive leadership. availability of instructional materials, good discipline of the teachers, learners and the support staff, good working relationship between the teachers and the administrators, conducive working environment.

On the other hand, challenges facing teacher leaders in performance of their school improvement roles were found to be lack motivation and incentives to the teachers, inadequate teachers’ accommodation, lack of time to accomplish given task, low payment of salary to teachers. It is important now that teacher leadership is accorded the significance it deserves so that it can further contribute to school improvement.
