"Exploring the self-efficacy beliefs of trainee teachers of an English " by Malika Zahra

Exploring the self-efficacy beliefs of trainee teachers of an English Language programme in a private setting in GB

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


The objective of the current qualitative case study was to explore how attending a language programme in a private setting in GB influenced the self-efficacy beliefs of its trainee teachers. Self-efficacy is broadly defined as the belief in one’s ability to carry out specific tasks successfully (Bandura, 1977). Several studies have shown that the English language proficiency can be one of the factors which influences the self-efficacy beliefs positively (Graham, 2011). The study data was collected through semi-structured interviews with four programme trainees and a stakeholder as well as document analysis. Analysis of the data indicated that the English language programme influenced the self-efficacy beliefs of trainee teachers positively as it related to their own assessment of their English language skills as well use of English as a Medium of Instruction (EOI). Moreover, due to the positive influence of English language programme on their own self-efficacy beliefs about their abilities as effective language users there seemed to be a general increase in trainees’ self-efficacy beliefs as a result of attending the language programme was a dominant pattern in the data. However, another trend in the data did suggest that although the language programme attended to the trainee teachers’ needs in terms of their language development, but it could not cater fully to the needs of the teachers, who taught subjects other than English. These trainees appeared to need input on their specialist content area as well as on improving their English language skills. Accordingly, the study findings provide some key insights to the management of PSS,GB (research site) specifically, as well as all those stakeholders investing in designing PD programmes in order to prepare their teachers to teach effectively in EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) contexts.

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