"Roles of the school management committees in supporting teaching and l" by Tabu Paul


Tabu Paul

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Nipael Mrutu

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Shelina Walli


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


The study sought to explore the roles of the school management committees (SMC) in supporting teaching and learning in early childhood classes of Budde sub-county. The problem was the poor performance of schools, especially, in English and mathematics. And the research objectives were; to establish how the School Management Committee (SMC) exercise their administrative role in supporting teaching and learning in early childhood classes in Budde sub-county schools; to find out how the school management committee (SMC) practice their Supervisory role for the support of teaching and learning in early childhood classes in Budde sub-county early years schools; and to ascertain whether the school management committees’ (SMC) Consultative role has a bearing in supporting teaching and learning in early childhood classes in Budde sub-county Schools. The study targeted a total sample size of 07 participants in 02 Government aided primary schools, guided by (Creswell, 2014). This research study was a qualitative study. Data was generated on-line, through e-mails, whatsapp, Facebook, SMS, applications like zoom was used to record the discussions which was later transcribed, and telephone calls with respondents such as the chairpersons of SMC, the head teachers, the teachers and the education supervisor (CCT), using questionnaire guides and interview guides. The Qualitative data was analyzed as it is, using content analysis. The findings established that the SMC exercises their administrative role, the SMC practices their supervisory role, and the findings ascertained that the SMC consults the major stakeholders in their schools in supporting teaching and learning in early childhood classes of Budde sub-county.
