Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Efficacy of preoperative manual detorsion for intravaginal testicular torsion: a systematic review, Ralph Ombati
Reporting on sexual orientation and gender identities in Kenya a study of factors that influence ethical and legal decision-making by print media journalists, Paul Omondi Otieno
Dysglycemia in patients presenting with stroke and acute coronary syndrome at Aga Khan University hospital, Nairobi, Beverly Yongo Owino
Online audiences and gatekeeping: user comments and their influence on editorial processes in newsrooms in Kenya, Beryl Anyango Oywer
What motivates the choice of specialty among medical doctors in Tanzania, THABIT RAMADHANI
Monetising digital content: lessons from Nation Media Group, Augustine Kipkosgei Sang
An exploratory study on the literacy programme of the TAF foundation for out-of-school children, Hoor Siddiqui
Exploring Science pedagogies of elementary teachers: A case study from Sindh, Nosheen Hakim Ali Soomro
Sharing the news: the role of social media in news diffusion and audience building in media houses in Kenya, Isaac Swila
Towards a better tomorrow: Reflective practices of student teachers during practicums in two education colleges of Karachi, Pakistan, Munir Muhammad Iqbal Tharwani
Feasibiity and acceptability of tele-neurology services at a regional tertiary referral centre: a prospective study., Fazal Yakub
Feasibility and acceptability of tele-neurology services at a regional tertiary referral Centre: a prospective study., Fazal A. Yakub
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Comparison of AJCC 7th edition (anatomic) vs AJCC 8th edition (prognostic) staging systems for breast cancer, Issack Mohamed Abdi
Exploring hurdles in timely promotions of government college teachers in Sindh province, Munawar Aftab
Students’ misconceptions in geometry and measurement: A study of elementary schools in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pervaiz Alam
Knowledge of teachers regarding social anxiety disorder among school going adolescents (12 to 16 Years) in Karachi, Pakistan, Anisa Amir Ali
Assessment of current gaps and implementation barriers in provincial road traffic laws of Sindh, Fazila Firdous Ali
Perception of male healthcare worker about harassment at a tertiary hospital Karachi, Pakistan: A qualitative study, Muhammad AliMurk
Exploring participation of graduate students in an online course: Did this participation result in identity construction?, Abdullah Anwer
An exploratory case study of ICT integration in Mathematics teaching during the covid-19 pandemic, Bibi Asma
Exploring how formative assessment rubric is used in schools to support teaching and learning: a case study of one primary school in Kenya., Jacqueline Bahati Atak
Assessment of palliative care needs in a Kenyan intensive care unit based on a trigger-based model., Linda Atero Barasa
Investigating b.ed. (hons.) prospective teachers` beliefs about their self-efficacy as a teacher in the context of Balochistan, Mehnaz Bashir
Patients’ perceptions and understanding of pre-operative informed consent in tertiary care setting- Dar-es-salaam, Steven Michael Esanju
Parental knowledge and attitudes towards food allergy, Namuli Jane Francis
Lifestyle habits associated with adolescent overweight and obesity in Ilala district, Dar es salaam, GLORIA JOSIAH GACHOCHA
Inferior vena cava collapsibility index versus passive leg raise for the assessment of fluid responsiveness in non-intubated spontaneously breathing septic patients, Anne-Marie Githaiga
The prevalence of albuminuria in children with chronic kidney disease in two tertiary hospitals in Nairobi, Kenya, Mercy Wambui Githumbi
Regularisation of contract teachers in school education and literacy department (SELD), government of Sindh, Aftab Hussain
Productive uses of the results of teachers’ performance appraisal for teacher development in public schools of district Skardu, Gilgit-Baltistan, Akhtar Hussain
Confronting a crisis: How leadership reacted during Covid 19 pandemic: A case of two private schools of Karachi, Pakistan, dealing with the challenges of online teaching and learning, Dur E Zainab Hussain
Mothers’ experiences of applying into their caregiving practices ECD knowledge learned through midwife counselling sessions, Uzma Hussain
Exploring a headteacher’s role in safeguarding children’s learning and wellbeing during the covid-19 pandemic in Gilgit-Baltistan, Rahim Ibrahim
Exploring teachers’ use of the inquiry-based framework in teaching english language in the international baccalaureate programme: a case of a private primary school, in Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania., Shazma Mehboob Jaffer
Accessibility of mathematics examinations to students with hearing impairment: a case study of a school for the deaf in Nyeri County-Kenya, Peter Mwangi Kabethi
Prevalence and social determinants of alcohol use disorders in patients attending primary care clinics in Nairobi Kenya, Verah Kabwayi
Outcomes of cardiac surgery at the Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi – a one year review, Nelly Joseph Kahamba
Validity and acceptability of the Kiswahili-paediatric gait, arms, legs and spine (pgals) screening tool at a tertiary referral hospital in Kenya, JACQUELINE EVARIST KAWISHE
Facilitating students in solving word problems in Mathematics, Naheedullah Khan
Initial exploration of status and reason for tobacco use among out of school children in Karachi, Pakistan, Hajra Khwaja
Whatsapp in the newsroom: utilisation of WhatsApp in journalistic practices in Kenya, Valerie R.A. Koga
Correlation between disease severity and health-related quality of life among patients with fibromyalgia syndrome, Janet Chebet Koros
Fact-checking in the digital era: a multi-case study of how newsrooms address disinformation during breaking news, Mary Nyambura Kulundu Ms
ECE teachers self-reported pedagogical quality of early childhood education environments of private preschools in Karachi, Pakistan, Aimen Lakhani
Conflict management approaches practiced by public heads of secondary schools and teachers in Hai District, Daniel Samwel Maeda
Depression among medical residents in Dar es salaam, Tanzania, GODFREY MAGOTI
Exploring teachers’ questioning practices during teaching and learning of mathematics: a case study of a secondary school in Taita Taveta County, Kenya, Caroline M. Makato
Efficacy of nerve blocks on immediate post caesarean delivery functionality, Dorothy Makena
Survival outcomes and prognostic factors affecting survival in patients with metastatic breast cancer, Mwongeli Matheka
Effect of Audit and Feedback on Adherence to Guidelines for the Management of Suspected Acute Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections by Medical Officers in Outpatient Settings- A Randomized Controlled Trial, Florence Njeri Mbatia
Prevalence and severity of malnutrition in people living with HIV on chronic haemodialysis in Dar es Salaam., Hanifa Mbithe
Immunophenotypic expression profile of multiple myeloma cases at a tertiary hospital in Nairobi, Kenya, Isabella Chelagat Mengich
Sensitivity of a preanaesthesia screening and triage tool in identifying high risk patients: A diagnostic accuracy study, Brian Kiplagat Misoi
Clinical presentations associated with adverse outcomes among patients admitted with dengue at a tertiary hospital in Dar es salaam., Nakiganda John Mkasa
Coverage of climate change issues in Kenyan print media: a case of Daily Nation and Standard newspapers, Esther Wanja Mungai
Health-related quality of life of children with gastroesophageal reflux disease after nissen fundoplication and gastrostomy tube insertion, Felix Wafula Musibi
Place of solutions journalism in coverage of a crisis: examining reporting of covid-19 pandemic in Kenyan newspapers, Rebecca Mutheu Mutiso Ms
Viability of free newspapers in the Kenyan market: a case of The People Daily, Veronica Wambui Mwangi
Defying the gendered norm; a case of girls’ successful enrollment, participation and achievement in science subjects in a public secondary school in Taita Taveta County, Kenya, Alice Machocho Mwang'ombe
Exploring the use of gamification in the teaching and learning of English grammar in a private secondary school classroom in Mombasa County, Lydia Nasike Nabangi
Drought and food security in Kenya: content analysis of the Nation and the Standard newspapers 2018-2019, Mark Simiyu Namaswa
The learning experiences of Karachi based public school students during Covid-19 pandemic: A phenomenological study, Rozmeen Nazimuddin
News media framing of femicide: an analysis of Kenyan newspapers’ reports on the killing of two women, Rose Wangui Ng'ang'a
Assessing market readiness and uptake of VOD among university students in Nairobi, Joan Wetumi Njaro Ms
Association of helicobacter pylori caga and vaca genotypes with gastric adenocarcinoma in Kenya, Priscilla Waithira Njenga
Planned delivery at 37 weeks gestation versus expectant management for non-severe chronic hypertension, a systematic review., Jackson Njuguna
Characterization of young hypertensive patients aged between 18 – 40 years, Kelvin Orare Nyanchoka
The use of the flipped classroom approach in the teaching of english in a public secondary school in Nairobi County, Kenya: an action research study, Ovin Nyakango Nyarango
Students’ attitudes towards learning chemistry using mobile phone simulations: a case of two secondary schools in Dar es salaam Region., Ahmed Mbaruku Nyenga
Bleeding complications in patients on new oral anticoagulants for venous thromboembolism in Kenya, Antonina Zebby Obayo
Bleeding complications in patients on new oral anticoagulants for venous thromboembolism in Kenya, Antonina Zebby Obayo
The role of street-level bureaucrats in the implementation of the 100% transition policy for deaf students: a case of principals in secondary schools for the deaf in Kenya, Geoffrey Owino Ochieng'
The requirements of immunosuppressive therapy and clinical features in patients with myasthenia gravis who undergo thymectomy versus non thymectomy management in East Africa, Nyawara Anthony Ochola
Use of songs in teaching and learning ionic bonds: a case of a secondary school in Vihiga County, Kenya, Daniel Omollo Odhiambo
Exploring ICT adoption in teaching and learning of science: a case of senior teachers in Homa-bay sub county, Kenya, David Ochieng Odhiambo
Exploring the use of concrete materials in teaching and learning of fractions in grade three: a case study of a public primary school in Homa-bay County, Kenya, Ouma Patrick Okoth
Exploring how the head teachers as street-level bureaucrats influence the implementation of competency-based curriculum in Kenya., Gordon Odhiambo Okumu
Clinicians’ perceptions of pediatric assent for invasive Bedside procedures at three tertiary referral Hospitals in Nairobi county, Kenya., Grace Petrine Oyito Omondi
A content analysis of the coverage of covid-19 in the first seven days, Chrystal Celestine Kerubo Onkeo Ms