"The role of street-level bureaucrats in the implementation of the 100%" by Geoffrey Owino Ochieng'

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Nicholas Wachira

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Mweru Mwingi


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


The designing and passing of a good policy do not guarantee the intended success if the execution at the end of the policy’s chain is not oriented towards the proposed objective. The success or failure of an education policy can be attributed to the modus operandi preferred by the principals who are charged with the responsibility of the implementation task at the end of the policy chain, given the role the principals play as the government agent and their proximity to the policy’s clientele. The 100% transition policy ought to boost all children including deaf students' access to quality and relevant secondary education. This study sought to find out how principals as street-level bureaucrats have influenced the 100% transition policy implementation in schools for the Deaf in Kenya. Based on Dewey’s pragmatic theory which advocates using a variety of ways in finding the truth. The study adopted a mixed-method approach where both quantitative and quantitative instruments were simultaneously used to collect data from 37 teachers, 25 parents, 2 principals, 2 Sub-County Ministry of Education officials, and 10 students. Findings showed that principals in schools for the Deaf have adopted divergent implementation strategies due to multiple interpretations of the 100% transition policy. Subsequently, the principals who have received Special Needs Education training in educating the deaf are better suited to implementing the 100% transition in schools with deaf students because they are more confident in dealing with the deaf learner’s needs and interests. Since their decisions (discretions) are based on reliable knowledge gained during their training. This study consequently recommends that the Teachers Service Commission should give special attention to training in educating the Deaf while appointing and deploying principals of the schools for the Deaf in Kenya.
