"The use of the flipped classroom approach in the teaching of english i" by Ovin Nyakango Nyarango

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Jane Rarieya

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Mweru Mwingi


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


Flipped Classroom approach is a new pedagogic approach that leverages educational technology to replace passive learning, which is commonly associated with lecture method of teaching, with active learning, in which students are responsible for producing meaning and finding connections using the content supplied outside of the classroom. The purpose of this action research was to see how the flipped classroom may be used to teach and learn English at a Kenyan public secondary school. Data was collected through document analysis, semi structured interviews, focus group discussions, reflective conversations and lesson observations. Findings from the study indicate that using of the flipped classroom approach in teaching of English improves learners’ attitude towards English, takes care of individual learning styles and engages all learners in the classroom, provides for collaborative learning and leads to better understanding of concepts. The study also identified lesson planning for the activities to be carried out in the classroom as the key component of a successful flipped classroom. Further, effective implementation of the teaching approach requires the teacher to monitor learning, have a student accountability mechanism that will guarantee their interaction with the material provided outside class and possess technological competence to design lessons appropriately. In addition, the study identified lack of technological infrastructure and time constraints as hindrances to the implementation of the flipped classroom. The study recommends that teachers align pedagogical practices with the ubiquitous digital technology and learner centered methods of teaching. Further, teachers should be facilitators who assist students in constructing their own learning as opposed to teachers as the focal point of learning. Teachers should also horn their technological skills so that they are comfortable using ICT in the teaching and learning process.
