"Students’ attitudes towards learning chemistry using mobile phone simu" by Ahmed Mbaruku Nyenga

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr.Winston Massam

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Peter Kajoro


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


Students’ attitudes have significant influence on their academic achievement in life. While at a younger age, they show keen interest towards scientific concepts, they grew in teenage years with a declining curiosity and will to take up science subjects. This has been due to abstract content overload for which a student needs sequential understanding as new concepts are built on older ones. Although technology has presented us with simulation applications in mobile phones, which would bring back the exciting nature of learning that children experienced with toys and video games at a tender age, efforts in terms of studies to transform students’ attitudes towards learning chemistry subject are not significant in Tanzanian context. This study aimed at investigating Students Attitudes towards learning Chemistry using Mobile Phone simulations. A total of 106 participants from two schools participated in Concurrent Mixed methods study, where by data was collected using a number of tools ranging from self-administered Pre and Post Questionnaire, Pre and Post focused Group (FGD)discussions conducted on a total of 104 students and Pre and Post Interview sessions with the two (2) teachers from respective schools. Quantitative Data was presented using Descriptive statistics while recorded qualitative data was transcribed and patterns identified. Statistical analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Science(SPSS). Findings from survey questionnaires showed that students’ attitudes are significantly influenced or affected by the usage of mobile phone simulation in Teaching and learning chemistry. Moreover, students displayed lower level of interest and negative attitudes towards learning via the existing Traditional methods. Similarly, FGD results showed students’ attitudes improve with usage of mobile simulation applications, and teachers too showed a significant interest towards moving to simulated learning and usage of mobile phone simulations in teaching. The study recommends school management team to develop an integrated ICT policy that demands full involvement of technological facilities in teaching and learning, and encouraging teachers to be innovative in coming up with tools that can improve learning experiences in students. Curriculum developers should consider embedding mobile-based simulation learning in chemistry subject as it helps improving students’ attitudes.
