"Exploring classroom assessment practices and their impact on preservic" by Faith Bisikwa

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Winston Massam


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


The masterpiece of quality teachers is self-efficacy. Tutors' classroom assessment competence and attitude towards assessment abilities, strengthen the realm of definite type of self-efficacy among preservice teachers. Classroom Assessment Practices bear constructive effect on Preservice Teachers' self–efficacy. This study aimed at exploring classroom assessment practices and their impact on preservice teachers' self-efficacy in a selected Primary Teachers' College in Uganda. A descriptive qualitative method and case study design was employed. Purposeful and strategic sampling methods were used to select 13 participants (7 tutors and 6 preservice teachers). However, 9 participants participated in this study (5 tutors and 4 preservice teachers). Data was collected using a variation of data collection approaches, comprising semi-structured interviews, focus group discussion and document analysis to attain procedural triangulation. Data was analyzed by developing codes, recognizing themes and frequent patterns into three constructs. Findings indicate that the commonly practiced classroom assessments are continuous assessment, diagnostic and summative assessments. Tutors design classroom assessment practices according to personal considerations, subject, and content coverage. Despite this, several types of assessment in the class play separate roles in the training of teachers and using an established sequence of assessment guidelines, helps the tutor to design assessments that align with the curriculum and meet the needs of Preservice teachers. The results of this study further indicate that tutors’ classroom assessment practices, positively impact preservice teachers’ self-efficacy through continuous assessment, micro teaching, and school practice. The study suggests that tutors model assessments practice that preservice teacher will adopt during their teaching practice and in-service teaching. Tutors need to align assessment purposes with educational goals and instructional objectives. Principals need to scale up their support in monitoring and organizing capacity building courses for tutors in handling classroom assessment practices. Curriculum designers need to incorporate assessment courses in teacher education courses alongside professional educational studies and be considered as a core.
