"Exploring hurdles in timely promotions of government college teachers " by Munawar Aftab

Exploring hurdles in timely promotions of government college teachers in Sindh province

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Philosophy in Education


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


This study aimed to explore hurdles in timely promotions of college teachers in Sindh province, Pakistan. The study also sought emergence of delayed promotion phenomena and explored solutions to overcome the hurdles that delayed the promotions of college teachers of Sindh Government. The study employed a qualitative case study approach to meet the objectives. The participants of the study involved two officers of Education HR Sindh Secretariat, three officers from the office of Directorate General Colleges, six college teachers, i.e.2 from each hierarchal designation, and a President of college teachers’ union. The data was collected by interviewing and reviewing the documents. The collected data was analyzed through thematic analysis technique. The study found some bureaucratic, policy and departmental hurdles such as, unusual delay of Competent Authority, Delayed DPC meetings, controversial Four Tiers formula and Time Scale dilemma, prolonged deadlock between college teachers’ union and secretariat over contentious features of promotion procedures. The findings also implied that the delayed promotion phenomenon emerged since the beginning and it aggravated with the induction of Four Tiers Structure and formula and it continued to exist due to negligence of bureaucracy and extended disagreement between college teachers and secretariat. The findings also revealed two main solutions to overcome these challenges. First, was timely filling of vacant posts by the Higher Authority and second, was grant of Time Scale along with revision of Four Tiers formula. It is disturbing to note that these matters repel competent teachers from joining colleges and cause demotivation amongst the young lecturers ultimately affecting the teaching learning process negatively.

This document is available in the relevant AKU library
