"Helping Pakistan studies and Islamiyat teachers from the selected publ" by Misbah Madad

Helping Pakistan studies and Islamiyat teachers from the selected public school in Hyderabad teach civic skills through concrete experiences: An action research study at secondary level

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Philosophy in Education


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


Professional development of teachers in the area of civic education requires a constructive approach. This study served the purpose of helping two secondary level Pakistan Studies and Islamiyat teachers in a public school of Hyderabad teach civic skills to students through concrete experiences. Action Research was used to conduct this study, where we tried to improve teachers’ practices. A range of data-gathering tools were used including interviews, questionnaires, classroom observations, reflective diary, and conversations with critical friend. Interviews and classroom observations were used to establish a baseline data in relation to the teachers’ teaching styles and perceptions about civic skills in the reconnaissance phase. This data highlighted the lack of three particular civic skills, i.e., questioning, feedback and effective communication in the 9th and 10th grade students. Two cycles were planned to respond to the research question. In cycle I, a teachers’ seminar was conducted to help teachers develop their understanding. Later, in cycle II, teachers were helped to apply their understanding in the real classroom settings with proper planning. Through this intervention, we have succeeded in helping teachers’ question their beliefs, improve their practices, and improve students’ attitude by helping them facilitate their learning in a more independent way. Findings revealed that teachers can begin to appreciate the value of teaching civic skills if they are provided with opportunities to first learn the concept and then implement the learning in the classroom situation. Findings further informed that the development of these skills by providing the opportunities of concrete experiences can help begin the processes of critical and independent thinking among the students. From this work. I learned that by initiating constructive teaching strategies, students are more involved and proactive. By motivating students to work together in groups, they were more responsible for their work and able to reflect on the process. In order to sustain these interventions in the educational practices, there needs to be a collaboration between educational practitioners so that the students can have the exposure of concrete experiences for independent learning and teachers can grow professionally.

This document is available in the relevant AKU library
