"Exploring stakeholders’ views on the implementation of the re-entry po" by Jane Aoko Ogola

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Mweru Mwingi

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Nicholas Wachira


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


School girls in Kenya face myriad challenges among them teenage pregnancy. In 1994, the Kenyan government introduced the re-entry policy to give girls who get pregnant a chance to return to school after delivery to finish their schooling. Even after the introduction of the re-entry policy, many girls who fall pregnant do not return to school after they give birth. This study sought to explore the views of the stakeholders on the implementation of the Re-entry Policy of 1994. The study was carried out in one mixed day secondary school in Kisumu East Sub-County. Qualitative case study was used. Data collection was done through semi-structured interviews, analysis of documents, field notes and FGD. This was to help understand the policy’s application through the views of the principal, the GNC teacher, the teenage mother, the B.O.M member, and the FGD. Collected data was analyzed through transcription, coding, categorization, and theme establishment. The research findings revealed that the Re-entry Policy implementation had several weaknesses, the teenage mothers faced a lot of challenges. The study findings concluded that in terms of practice, a lot more needed to be done by the policy makers. Implementation is not well addressed since the policy guidelines are not available in learning institutions. Absence of clarity on the guidelines has forced the headteachers and principals, who are the implementers to use their own discretion. However, there was one notable success of the return to school policy, it offered the adolescent mothers a chance to complete their education. The recommendations include policy makers to come up with clear and inclusive policy, a budget should be provided for the teenage mothers who opt to return to school. There is need for qualified trained guidance and counselling teachers to provide quality services to the teenage mothers. Such teachers should solely provide the counselling services and not perform other duties in the school, so that there can be quality service provision in the schools. Finally, students, parents, and the communities need comprehensive sensitization on the Re-entry Policy. Future research should consider examining the impact of childcare provision to the academic performance of the teenage mothers. Since this provision would eliminate lateness and absenteeism which is rampant amongst teen mothers as they take their babies for clinics v and health checkups. The successful practice of the return to school policy hinges on robust Guidance and Counselling service provision as the study discovered.
