"Exploring tutors’ pedagogical practices in the teaching and learning o" by Geofrey Mabonga

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Peter Kajoro

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Fredrick Mtenzi


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


The major purpose of this study was to explore tutors pedagogical practices in the teaching and learning of mathematics education in primary teachers colleges in Uganda. This study employed qualitative research approach. That being the case, Qualitative approach was based upon the interpretive constructivist underpinnings whose aim was to explain the phenomenon from the subjective reasoning based on participants’ opinions, realities, meanings, attitudes, and motivations that lie behind their social behaviour. This study used case study research design. A total of twelve (12) respondents participated in this study. These included six (6) Mathematics Tutors and six (6) Student teachers. Tutors were selected using purposive sampling technique also known as judgemental sampling and Pre-service students were selected using Convenience sampling. The study used face to face semi structured interviews and observation strategies for data collection. Data was collected using semi structured Interview guide and observation guide. From this study it was revealed that Tutors engage student teachers during the teaching and learning of mathematics through giving them a chance to respond to questions, through material production among others. They assess students through asking them oral questions projects and presentations. Finally, tutors provide feedback to student teachers verbally and sometimes in written form for example after marking their work. Upon thorough examination of the findings, the researcher discovered certain gaps and consequently, put forward the subsequent recommendations. Similar study should be done to cover a range of colleges to give a wider national picture for the best comparison on the extent to which pedagogical practices applied by tutors in Uganda influence the quality of prospective teachers in the teaching and learning of mathematics education. To enrich this study, another research can be conducted on integration of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) in acquisition of appropriate pedagogical practices by prospective teachers in the teaching and learning of mathematics.
