"Exploring a headteacher’s role in safeguarding children’s learning and" by Rahim Ibrahim

Exploring a headteacher’s role in safeguarding children’s learning and wellbeing during the covid-19 pandemic in Gilgit-Baltistan

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M. Ed.)


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


Covid-19 as a global pandemic exposed the vulnerability of education systems worldwide. However, schools having adequate capacity shifted to the online mode of teaching-learning processes to safeguard children’s education and their wellbeing. Gilgit-Baltistan located in a rural context in Pakistan faced several challenges in safeguarding children’s learning and their wellbeing due to a lack of communication technology and infrastructure. However, a school operating under the aegis of AKESP in GB took modest but results-oriented initiatives to ensure continuity of children’s education and wellbeing during the Covid pandemic. The challenges the school headteacher faced and the strategies she adopted to safeguard children’s learning and wellbeing introduced creative and indigenous possibilities which can be worth emulating for other schools operating in similar contexts elsewhere.
This study was conducted using a qualitative research design within which an exploratory case study method was adopted. The study included the school headteacher, the RSDU head, the deputy headteacher, the convener VEC, and a male and a female member of VEC (who also represent parents) as research participants. Data was mainly collected through semi-structured interviews. Besides, field notes were maintained, and some necessary documents were also analyzed. Findings revealed that although safeguarding children’s learning and their wellbeing was a daunting task, the headteacher, known as a swift and insightful professional, involved different stakeholders and worked with the available local teachers to bring education to students’ doorsteps. Her distributive leadership style was instrumental in motivating the local teachers to develop their sense of ownership of the tasks assigned to them to deal with the pandemic-caused disruption. Employing her creativity and leadership style, the headteacher took thoughtful initiatives to safeguard children’s learning and wellbeing.

This document is available in the relevant AKU library
