"Media's coverage of biotechnology and GMO’s: how Kenyan broadcast medi" by Zeynab Nyangule Wandati

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Digital Journalism (MADJ)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Prof. Nancy Booker

Second Supervisor/Advisor

James Ndoneh


Graduate School of Media and Communications


The introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) has been controversial globally, with differing views on the risks and benefits of their use in agriculture, even though the technology is extensively used in medicine. In Africa, the adoption of GMOs has been relatively slow compared to other regions due to a combination of factors, including poor infrastructure, inadequate resources, and public resistance. Studies have shown that the media often portrays GMOs as a threat to human health and the environment, a narrative often pushed by the news sources interviewed, with little emphasis on their potential benefits or the science of it. This paper analyses the media coverage of GMOs in Kenya, specifically broadcast media, to examine how the media shape’s public opinion and policy decisions regarding GMOs, through the choice of sources. The study finds that the media coverage of GMOs in Kenya is primarily skewed towards politicians, crowding out expert voices such as scientists. The study analyses news articles and stories from three major television stations, namely NTV, KTN and Citizen (Kibuacha, 2022), to determine the extent and nature of media coverage of GMOs since Kenya lifted the ban in October 2022. This research aims to identify the dominant voices and themes that emerge in the coverage of GMOs and how they shape public opinion on biotechnology. The paper also explores the role of media in informing and educating the public about GMOs. The findings of this study may have implications for how the media can effectively communicate information about GMOs in Kenya and contribute to informed decision-making about sourcing for specialised story beats such as science. This study uses a qualitative research design to analyse media coverage of GMOs in Kenya. The study analyses news articles from major news outlets, particularly television news broadcasts. The analysis focused on the tone of the articles, with particular attention given to the sources quoted to determine the level of expertise and bias present in the media coverage in Kenya.
