"Exploring the practices of leadership in promoting the use of ICTs in " by Nisha Ahsan

Exploring the practices of leadership in promoting the use of ICTs in organizational communications in a private educational institution in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Philosophy in Education

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr Takbir Ali


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


Organizations globally are embracing the latest technologies to provide better and more reliable services. Integration of technology into educational business including teaching and communication is vital to educate students, teachers, and leaders for effective Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) utilization. Literature is available on the use of ICTs for teaching purposes. However, in developing countries especially in Pakistan, the utilization of ICTs in organizational communication needs to be explored further. Therefore, this study was conducted to explore the leadership practices in promoting ICT utilization for organizational communication. Additionally, this study also identified challenges encountered by leaders during the implementation of ICTs in organizational communication and examined the strategies adopted to address the challenges.
Qualitative exploratory methodology utilizing semi-structured interviews and document analysis was employed to conduct this research. Findings revealed the essential role of ICTs in modernizing and enhancing the efficiency of organizational operations. It also highlighted various challenges that include low internet bandwidth, lack of capacity, limited financial resources, etc. To confront these challenges, the organization has formulated strategies such as Professional Development (PD) programs, diverse communication means, and prioritized organizational needs.
In conclusion, this research study contributes significantly to a better understanding of ICT involvement in educational organizations having a broad geographical disparity. Moreover, this study provides recommendations to other educational organizations operating in similar settings to adapt the policies and procedures and learn effective ICT utilization from this educational organization.

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