"Local content monetization strategies for revenue generation employed " by Misiko Andere

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Executive Masters in Media Leadership and Innovation (EMMLI)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Prof. Misiani Mwencha


Graduate School of Media and Communications


The rapid growth of over-the-top (OTT) platforms has revolutionized the way video content is marketed and consumed and provided a unique opportunity for Kenyan content creators to showcase their creative storytelling work to a global audience. However, the lack of bankable/effective monetization strategies poses significant hurdles for local producers; this is largely due to the various ways in which the content is consumed and the variations of the same content on internet-enabled platforms that are linked to the OTT platforms such as mobile and online platforms linked to the streaming services. Accordingly, the objective of this capstone project is to explore and identify bankable strategies for monetization of local content by independent TV producers in Kenya. This qualitative research study will utilize an exploratory design and the target population is independent TV producers who will be purposively selected from a diverse range of independent TV producers in Kenya who have experience with selling their content on OTT platforms that exist in Kenya. Collection of data will be through interviews and questionnaires that will be shared and data analysed based on the similarities in response, then grouped together for final results.
