"Towards an efficient management of fake news in the digital media era " by Francis Gachuri

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Executive Masters in Media Leadership and Innovation (EMMLI)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Hesbon Owilla


Graduate School of Media and Communications


The challenge of fake news in the media is a persistent struggle and dents the credibility of journalism as a source of accurate and verifiable content. With the vast penetration of the internet and growth in social media, the legacy media (mainstream media) has to contend with the spread of fake content and safeguard itself from losing its face as the source of truth. Media houses have to rethink, re-strategize and invest in tools, skills, equipment and processes that will identify, isolate and debunk fake news, and stop its dissemination for consumption by the masses. The main objective of this study was to analyze the challenges of fake news as a journey towards the efficient management of fake news in the digital era newsrooms. The specific objectives were to analyze the role played by digital news media in the distribution of fake news, assess the capacity and competencies of digital newsroom staff to deal with fake news and analyze measures put in place by digital media houses to mitigate the effects of fake news on digital media newsrooms. This study used a quantitative method where questionnaires were used to get views and responses from Citizen Digital staff, including writers, content creators, sub-editors and editors. From their views and responses, the study came up with a list of recommendations for managing the proliferation of fake news and assigning responsibility to persons involved in the entire production chain.
