"A study of how leadership influences newsroom convergence in radio Afr" by Francis Mureithi Gatimu

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Digital Journalism (MADJ)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Nancy Booker


Graduate School of Media and Communications


This study sought how media houses have been implementing convergence from a leadership perspective due to digital disruption and shrinking resources to run newsrooms with Radio Africa Group (RAG) being picked for case study. Four objectives guided it: 1) Examination of newsroom integration processes employed by Kenyan media houses in their transition to converged newsrooms 2) Examination of the role played by newsroom leaders in driving newsroom convergence 3) An assessment of factors associated with successful implementation of newsroom convergence 4) Exploration of the challenges Kenyan newsrooms face in the implementation of convergence. The study used Media Convergence theory, where the convergence is largely interpreted as collapsing newsroom silos with one producing content for many platforms. The researcher adopted a qualitative research approach. He also employed exploratory research design. The study interviewed journalists, editors and sub-editors working at RAG. The researcher also used the observation method to collect data. The interview guide was used in collecting qualitative data. The study found that convergence has been embraced at RAG, with editors and journalists learning new skills to fit into multimedia content production newsrooms. Editors emerged as key drivers of convergence from a leadership perspective. Other benefits include an increased quantity of content and having more hands to assign content production for various platforms. The new system has, however, experienced a share of challenges, including difficulties in shifting the mindsets of some journalists and editors. Limited training, work overload, focus on quantity as opposed to quality, erosion of newsroom specialization, failure to increase pay for increased work, and reluctance by some senior editors and journalists to have a mental shift emerged as major challenges in implementing convergence. Media houses need to train their editors and journalists more on convergence and also setting up enough resources to support the new system, including enhancing the salaries of those who have fully converged.
