"Employing data visualization for effective health communication in Nai" by Rabudi Charles Mark

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Executive Masters in Media Leadership and Innovation (EMMLI)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Peter Misiani Mwencha


Graduate School of Media and Communications


This capstone project analyzes how journalists use data visualization to communicate health information. With the advent of evidence-based practice in medical communication, it is necessary to provide health information in a way that raises public health awareness and changes individual behaviour for beneficial health outcomes. The use of data visualization tools such as charts, graphs, and maps aids in the presentation of data patterns and insights, improving knowledge, engagement, and decision-making in the field of health communication. The study seeks to identify the types of health data visualization commonly employed by journalists in Kenya; assess the level of training and resources available to journalists for utilizing data visualization in health reporting and analyse challenges faced by journalists in incorporating data visualization into health reporting. The rationale for this study lies in the pivotal role journalists play as intermediaries between data producers and the public. Effective health communication, particularly through data visualization, has the potential to influence public behaviour, policy decisions, and ultimately the well-being of a nation's population. This study employed descriptive research design and also used the mixed-methods approach to collect data for both quantitative and qualitative data. It underscores the significance of effective data visualization in health reporting, emphasizing its role in enhancing audience comprehension, and story simplification. While traditional methods like pie charts and bar graphs persist, newer formats such as 3D and heatmaps are gaining traction, offering multimedia and dynamic features. Despite a high knowledge base among journalists and media professionals about data visualization, challenges persist. Issues such as limited access, technical proficiency, space constraints, and insufficient training hinder the effective use of data visualization in health reporting, emphasizing the need to address these obstacles to maximize its impact.
