"Exploring fathers’ perceptions and experiences of their roles to suppo" by Sadia Naseer Ahmed

Exploring fathers’ perceptions and experiences of their roles to support their child’s early language development (3-4 years old children) in Turbat and Gwadar in Baluchistan

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Philosophy in Education


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


Learning a language is an activity in which children are using the language while at the same time acquiring it. Language is organized around its communicative purposes and used within a communicative context. A home environment that is rich in language creates opportunities for interaction and engagement in academic conversations. According to Burke (1990) language and cognitive development are linked; success in learning is therefore tied to language development. Developing language needs secured, rich environment, love and care of parents to support and make it effective for later achievements. Therefore, it is important to recognize the significance of fathers in development of language at early years. This study has explored fathers’ perceptions and experiences of their roles to support their child’s early language development (3-4 years old children) in Turbat and Gwadar in Baluchistan.
To carry out the study, qualitative exploratory method was applied with in depth observations of four fathers’ practices in supporting early language development. Semi structured interviews were also conducted to explore the fathers’ perception about how early language develops in the preschool years. The findings of the study suggest that fathers recognize the importance of early language development in the overall child development process. They perceive that children whose fathers’ are closely involved in their early years of life would greatly learn the early language and perform better than others participated this.
However, fathers did not always integrate into their activities, opportunities to support child early language learning and development. Moreover, all four fathers had consistent views about the factors affecting their roles in supporting early language development. It includes work pressure, poverty, lack of time, little awareness, low income, stereotyping beliefs and norms of society, poor support from the Government.
Fathers’ participation plays a critical role in their children’s early language learning development. The study recommends greater investment to establish parent education programmes for young children. Father’s should be encouraged to participate in these programs to enhance their abilities to support their young children’s early language development. This study contributes to an important body of knowledge in Pakistan.

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