"Exploring experiences of mathematics teachers integrating ICT in their" by Rubina Shaheen

Exploring experiences of mathematics teachers integrating ICT in their online teaching practices during covid-19 pandemic

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M. Ed.)


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


In the 21st century, the integration of ICT has great importance in teaching and learning. Due to the important role ICT paly in education schools have integrated ICT into their teaching and learning processes. In mathematics education, ICT plays a vital role in teaching and learning. It helps teachers to teach mathematics effectively. It also assists students to understand mathematical concepts deeply. Therefore, my study explored the experiences of mathematics teachers’ integration of ICT in their teaching practices. This study helped me to find out the factors that play a key role in the integration of ICT.
I used qualitative research design in my study. Semi structured interviews, observations, and document analysis were used to gather data. e Three primary school mathematics teachers from a private school in Karachi were selected as research participants. I have selected the school as a research site where there is an environment of ICT integration in teaching and is well equipped with ICT resources. The findings of the study showed that in teaching mathematics, institutional aspiration, individual inspiration, and the shifting focus from teaching to students’ learning have great importance for effective integration of ICT.

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