"Mathematics teachers’ preparedness to teach in a virtual classroom: fo" by Jemimah Wangui Ng'ang'a

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Veronica Sarungi

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Peter Kajoro


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


Virtual classroom is a “web-based online environment that delivers course materials to learners and provides collaboration and interaction” (Subramaniam & Kandasamy, 2011, p.1) opportunity as well as support the learners’ independent study. Virtual classroom facilitates virtual learning in a virtual learning environment (VLE). In the recent times virtual learning has become inevitable especially considering the situation where learners are supposed to be home for a longer period than usual. This has been evident with the outbreak of corona virus COVID-19, by the beginning of the year 2020 the disease had spread to other parts of the world thus paralyzing a number of operations including the education system. The teachers have been encouraged to consider virtual teaching in order to minimize learning loss. It is in this consideration that the researcher conducted the research to ascertain mathematics teachers’ preparedness to teach in a virtual classroom in one of the counties in Kenya. The findings may contribute to the body of knowledge and aid education stakeholders to know if mathematics teachers are equipped with the necessary skills to teach virtually. Sequential explanatory research design was adapted for the study, where quantitative data was analyzed before conducting qualitative data so as to get explanation of the variables that emerged during analysis of quantitative data. Findings indicated that the teachers were able to access the internet but not learning management system (LMS), the teachers are also able to identify a lesson that combines mathematics, technology and teaching approaches. However, the preparedness of mathematics teachers to teach in a virtual classroom was not sufficient as teachers lack the required competence to access, choose and utilize virtual tools to teach mathematics. However the teachers were positive about embracing the virtual teaching and showed willingness to adapt to virtual teaching in future. Recommendations were made on available support the teachers could be given in order to better adapt the virtual teaching.
