"An action research on reading comprehension development at kindergarte" by Lubaina Maryam

An action research on reading comprehension development at kindergarten level using interactive read-aloud strategy by providing in-service training to teachers

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Philosophy in Education


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


Reading is a basic skill to develop for learning any language beside listening, speaking and writing, (Ferreiro & Taberoski, 1982). Research reveals the significance of interactive Read-Aloud and shared reading to develop reading comprehension at early years, (Angela, 2012; Catherine, & Roel, 2017; Mayra, Marjolein, Myrte, Jan, & Kees, 2015; Shahaeian et al., 2018) There are several strategies used by the kindergarten teachers across the globe. This paper aims to explore the effectiveness of interactive Read-Aloud sessions in developing reading comprehension skills of kindergarten students (4-5 years old) by providing in-service training to the teachers. This was action research within the paradigm of qualitative research in which 2 primary participants (kindergarten teachers) and 4 secondary participants (kindergarten students) participated. Data was gathered through pre and post intervention interviews, classroom observations, reflective discussions and students’ work. Finding indicates that the teachers need constant support and coaching to learn new pedagogy that they may have not experienced in the past. This study also brings into light that the Read-Aloud strategy not only improves reading comprehension skills, but also supports and motivates students to write their stories using all the story elements.

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