"An exploratory study on the perceptions of science teachers about the " by Jamila Muhammad Ajab Khan

An exploratory study on the perceptions of science teachers about the use of videos in science classroom at primary level in private schools in Gilgit.

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


This qualitative case study explored the perceptions of science teachers about the use of videos in the science classroom at the primary level in Gilgit. A total of six participants, two teachers from grade 3, 4, and 5 were selected. Semi-structured interview, video elicitation interview, and a lesson- ‘an example of videos used’ were used to collect in-depth data from the participants. This case study revealed that science teachers kept four characteristics in mind while selecting videos for teaching science. These characteristics are short videos, relevant content, simple language, and preference of animated cartoon videos. The findings of the study also suggest that most teachers used videos to teach abstract concepts in science. The findings also indicated that in order to engage the students in active learning teachers tend to design activities based on video such as segmentation and reproduction. Furthermore, teachers highlighted that videos that had a moderate pace of narration, were narrated by the non-accented speaker and were short in length tend to promote science learning while inadequate resources and lack of continuous professional development may hinder the use of videos in science teaching. In conclusion, in order to develop the students’ understanding of science, the study suggests the need to work on creating research-based YouTube videos by local educators for the Pakistani context.

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