"An assessment of the role of clinical supervision in improving the qua" by Hurriet Riziki Karani

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Mweru Mwingi

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Mohammed Abdalla


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


The quality of teaching is greatly dependent on the supervision approach employed. Clinical supervision is very pivotal in developing the teachers’ pedagogical techniques, which improves the quality of teaching, culminating into improved learners’ outcome. Clinical supervision, introduced in 2016 as part of the TPAD requirements, was meant to develop teachers’ pedagogical skills and practices in order to improve the quality of teaching. However, it was received with a lot of hostility as it is seen as deficiency detecting and spying tool. The study therefore assessed the role of clinical supervision in improving the quality of teaching in a secondary school in Kilifi North sub-county. The study employed a qualitative and a case study design. The data collection methods were interview and FGDs. Purposive sampling was used to select the 10 study participants who constituted 1 deputy principal, 3 HODs and 6 teachers. The findings were presented, discussed and analyzed in a narration. The study findings revealed that, clinical supervision improved the teachers’ teaching performance and ultimately the teaching quality through the following ways; effective lesson preparation, improved creativity and innovation in choosing the pedagogies to employ in a classroom teaching, improved competency in lesson delivery through working on the weaknesses highlighted in the feedback conference, professional guidance and mentorship received from the supervisors. However, some felt the process was intimidating, time consuming and was conducted with a lot of subjectivity. Employment of more teachers, adoption of peer supervision, and adoption of the lesson study approach were some of the recommendations fronted.
