Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Nipael Mrutu

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Fortidas Bakuza


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


Reading is an important aspect of the literacy development of children in the early years of education. Studies have indicated that if children are not given a strong foundation of basics of reading at early stages, it is probable that they might fail to read in the later stages. Therefore, study aimed at exploring the teaching of reading in lower primary classes in one public primary school in Kocheka sub-county, Uganda. It was a single case study that adopted a qualitative research approach targeting six teachers, two from every lower class, one head teacher, and one District Inspector of Schools who were purposively selected summing up to eight participants. The study employed face to face semi-structured interviews and document analysis methods during data collection. The study revealed that teachers use whole language, phonics, and balanced methods to teach reading. Data also indicated that the methods used by teachers have both positive and negative impact on the learner’s reading competences. Although, study findings revealed that phonics method helps learners to read new words on their own, it however, hinders learners’ fluency and confuses slow learners and those who never went through pre-primary. The whole language methods helped learners who had challenges with the language of instruction to read although it never helped them in reading unfamiliar words independently. The study also revealed that teachers had inadequate PCK, instructional materials, training, lacked parental involvement and crowded classes which affected teaching and learning. Thus, there is a need for in-service teachers training that will up-to-date their knowledge, use of outdoor space and teachers should also be trained on how to use balanced method. Additionally, instructional resources should be provided to schools and parents should be encouraged to be part and parcel of their children’s education.
