"Exploration of mathematics teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge fo" by Owino Ambrose


Owino Ambrose

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Veronica Sarungi


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


This study has been an exploration of mathematics teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) for teaching subtraction strategies. In the process of the study, a case study was conducted and data was collected using questionnaire and interview. Data was analyzed to obtain themes for the qualitative research data. In the study eight teachers from two government public school filled the questionnaires given to them within a period of one week. These period was given to provide the participant enough time to work on the questionnaire and attained conceptualization of pedagogical content knowledge and subtraction strategies. In addition, the eight teachers also participated in an interview during collecting the questionnaire to find in-depth knowledge of their PCK. Findings of the study are that teachers felt it wise to explain the importance of meaning of subtraction to the learners and to put much emphasis on the symbols of operations in mathematics but all these still requires much attention to the subtraction algorithm in direct subtraction strategy and they identified number line as a conceptualizing learning material as well as a strategy of subtraction with procedures in teaching standard algorithm. One of the recommendations is that curriculum developers should identify key terms of teaching of mathematics to improve on the PCK for teachers in order to improve on the mathematical knowledge for teaching.
