
Submissions from 2018


Du nouveau à l’ouest de l’océan Indien : le cristal de roche et l’ivoire swahilis, Stephane Pradines


Ethnicity and architecture. The Fatimid town walls in Cairo, Stephane Pradines


On Fatimid Gardens. A Note on the Darrāsa Excavations, Stephane Pradines

Swahili Archaeology, Stephane Pradines


Acute gastrointestinal and genitourinary disorders, Philip M. Sommer and Asad Latif

Submissions from 2017


Infections of the Central Nervous System and Child Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Amina Abubakar


How to adapt tests for Sub-Saharan Africa, Amina Abubakar and Fons JR Van De Vijver


Fatherhood in the African Context: Review and a Case Study in Kenya, Amina Abubakar, Stanley W Wanjala, and Anneloes L Van Baar

The Relationship Between Well-Being and Value Priorities as Well as Intersubjective Norms Among Emerging Adults in South Africa, Byron G Adams, Ronald Fischer, and Amina Abubakar


Hormone replacement therapy, Aliya Ahmed and Robyna Irshad Khan

An all-encompassing approach to educational reform: A case of the step project, Takbir Ali

Imperatives of educational reform in Pakistan: Towards an analytical framework, Takbir Ali

Leadership capacity building: A pathway to enduring educational change, Takbir Ali

Educational governance conundrum: Decision-making structures, processes and outcomes, Takbir Ali and Dilshad Ashraf

Introduction, Dilshad Ashraf and Alan J. DeYoung


Mathematical discourse in instruction in large classes, Mike Askew, Ravi K. Subramaniam, Anjum Halai, Erlina Ronda, Hamsa Venkat, Jill Adler, and Steve Lerman


Topic Study Group No. 32: Mathematics education in a multilingual and multicultural environment, Richard Barwell, Anjum Halai, Aldo Parra, Lena Wessel, and Guida de Abreu


The intertwining of history and heritage in Islamic contexts, Shahzad Bashir

The nature of experience of AKU-IED's MED graduates: A phenomenological study, Ayesha Bashiruddin and Mir Afzal Tajik

South Arabian sibilants and the Śḥerɛ̄t s̃ ~ š contrast, Alex Bellem and Janet Watson

Exploring the nature and pattern of mentoring practices: A study on mentees' perspectives, Sadia Muzaffar Bhutta, Takbir Ali, and Nahid Parween Anwar

Institutional strengthening: Case studies of government elementary colleges of education, Sadia Muzaffar Bhutta, Zubeda Bana, and Kulsoom Jaffer


Sharing experiences about the capacity and network projects initiated by ICMI, Angelina Matinde Bijura, Alphonse Uworwabayeho, Veronica Sarungi, Peter Kajoro, and Anjum Halai


Online environments and the future of social science research, Michael Fischer, Stephen M. Lyon, and David Zeitlyn


Classroom as a site for teacher learning: Emergence of a paradigm shift in mathematics teacher education in Pakistan, Anjum Halai


A conceptual framework for a software development process based on computational thinking, Catherine Higgins, Fredrick Mtenzi, Ciaran O'Leary, Orla Hanratty, and Claire McAvinia


A software development process for freshman undergraduate students, Catherine Higgins, Fredrick Mtenzi, Ciaran O’leary, Orla Hanratty, and Claire McAvinia

Teachers’ personal theories of knowledge development, Riaz Hussain and Meher Rizvi

Professional development initiatives: Imperatives for maximum returns on investment, Kulsoom Jaffer, Zubeda Bana, and khushal Khan

Religion and state in Pakistan: Influence on education with special focus on Gilgit-Baltistan, Jan-e-Alam Khaki, Mola Dad Shafa, and Sharifullah Baig

Religion and state in Pakistan: Influence on education with special focus on Gilgit-Baltistan, Jan-e-Alam Khaki, Mola Dad Shafa, and Sharifullah Baig


The horrors of Hola: a British atrocity that eclipsed empire, Peter Kimani


Legal issues in public health, Stephanie P. Kowal and Tania M. Bubela


Persuasive, engaging, and accessible: Using behavioral science, communication, and technology development principles to design a mobile phone intervention for female sex workers in Kenya, Kelly L'Engle, Frances Ampt, Emily Mangone, Collins Mudugo, Kate Plourde, Megan Lim, Peter Gichangi, Stanley Luchters, and Griffins Manguro


Clustering opportunistic ant-based routing protocol for wireless sensor networks, Xinlu Li, Brian Keegan, and Fredrick Mtenzi


The health economics for regenerative medicine: How payers think and what that means for developers, C. McCabe and Tania M. Bubela


Communication Modes, Kenyan, Anne Neville Miller and Nancy Achieng Booker


Communication modes, Kenyan, Ann Neville Miller and Nancy A. Booker


Palliative Care: Kenya’s Current Profile and Prospects for the Future, Tayreez Mushani and John Weru

Engaging the global to create local models for education reform, Sarfaroz Niyozov

Islamic education in Post-Soviet Tajikistan: A field of contestations, Sarfaroz Niyozov, Hakim Elnazarov, and Sultonbek Aksakolov

Conclusion: Transforming contested education terrains into opportunities for hope and peace, Sarfaroz Niyozov and Jan-e-Alam Khaki


Cybercrime: Concerns, challenges and opportunities, George S. Oreku and Fredrick Mtenzi


Islam and Popular Music, Jonas Otterbeck and Göran Larsson

In pursuit of educational reform and institutional growth: AKU-IED's experience, Sadrudin Pardhan


Child Abuse and Neglect in Charitable Children’s Institutions in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya: A Challenge of Context, Braitstein Paula, Samuel Ayaya, David Ayuku, Allison DeLong, and Lukoye Atwoli

Dembéni : un site majeur pour la connaissance des réseaux commerciaux de l’océan indien médiéval, Stephane Pradines

Learning to be practitioner inquirers and researchers: Lessons from a teacher education program, Meher Rizvi

Action research for capacity building of teacher-educators, Nusrat Fatima Rizvi

Creating social cohesion through schooling in Pakistan's Swat Valley: A UNICEF approach, Hajee Parveen Roy, Alan J. DeYoung, and Dilshad Ashraf

Educational Development and Improvement Programme (EDIP): An innovative school improvement model, Mola Dad Shafa, Sharifullah Baig, and Zeenat Shah

Building communities by building schools in the rural, mountainous regions of Pakistan, Mir Afzal Tajik

Schooling and cultural identity in Baltistan, Zakir Hussain Zakir and Dilshad Ashraf

Submissions from 2016


Correction to: Mathematics education and language diversity, Richard Barwell, Philip Clarkson, Anjum Halai, Mercy Kazima, Judit Moschkovich, Núria Planas, Mamokgethi Setati Phakeng, Paola Valero, and Martha Villavicencio Ubillús


Introduction: An ICMI study on language diversity in mathematics education, Richard Barwell, Philip Clarkson, Anjum Halai, Mercy Kazima, Judit Moschkovich, Núria Planas, Mamokgethi Setati Phakeng, Paola Valero, and Martha Villavicencio Ubillús


Islam and the politics of temporality: The case of ISIS, Shahzad Bashir


Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health: Key Messages of This Volume., Robert E. Black, Neff Walker, Ramanan Laxminarayan, and Marleen Temmerman


Burden of Reproductive Ill Health, Alex Ezeh, Akinrinola Bankole, John Cleland, Claudia García-Moreno, Marleen Temmerman, and Abdhalah Kasiira Ziraba

Conforming to and Breaking with Social Norms: Two Contrary Modes of baraka, Gebhard Fartacek and Lorenz Nigst


The Way to School by R. McCarney, Nasra Gathoni


The state of manuscript digitization projects in some Egyptian libraries and their challenges, Walid Ghali


Teaching and learning mathematics: Insights from classrooms in East Africa, Anjum Halai


Teaching and learning mathematics in multilingual classrooms: An overview, Anjum Halai and Philip Clarkson


Language of instruction and learners’ participation in mathematics: Dynamics of distributive justice in the classroom, Anjum Halai and Irfan Muzaffar


Research rationalities and the construction of the deficient multilingual mathematics learner, Anjum Halai, Irfan Muzaffar, and Paola Valero


Correction to: Mathematics education in East Africa, Anjum Halai and Geoff D. Tennant Dr


Gastroschisis, Saleem Islam


Mathematics teacher training in East Africa, Peter Kajoro


Transition of the medium of instruction from English to Kiswahili in Tanzanian primary schools: challenges from the mathematics classroom, Peter Kajoro


Engaged Online: Social Media and Youth Civic Engagement in Kenya, Samuel Kamau


Adolescent sexuality, Unab I. Khan, Chanelle Coble-Sadapha, and Susan M. Coupey


Improving the quality of care in the ICU, Asad Latif, Bradford Winters, Sean M. Berenholtz, and Christine Holzmueller


Mental Health Problems and Associated Socio-Ecological Factors Among HIV-Positive Young Migrant Men Who Have Sex with Men in China, Haochu (Howard) Li, Joseph T. F. Lau, Eleanor Holroyd, and Xiaoming Li


KiCM: A knowledge-intensive context model, Dennis Lupiana and Fredrick Mtenzi


Issues for quality enhancement and harmonization of education in East Africa, Mussa K. Mohamed, Anjum Halai, and Simon Karuku


Beyond ABC: the complexities of early childhood education in Tanzania, Nipael Mrutu, Pauline Rea-Dickins, Fortidas Bakuza, and Shelina Walli

Religious Pluralism and Islamic Education: Addressing mutual challenges, Sarfaroz Niyozov


Towards reusable personas for everyday design, Ciarán O'Leary, Fredrick Mtenzi, and Claire McAvinia


The Sunni Discourse on Music, Jonas Otterbeck

Swedish Adolescents’ Attitudes Towards Immigrants, Jonas Otterbeck and Pieter Bevelander


Faith schools, the common good and the Muslim tradition, Farid Panjwani

Burg al-Zafar, architecture de passage des Fatimides aux Ayyoubides, Stephane Pradines


Development of a Basic Obstetric Theater Facility in a Low-resource Setting, Zahida Qureshi and Alfred Murage


Recent strategies to improve community case management of diarrhea among children under five in developing countries, Fauziah Rabbani and Aysha Zahidie


Recent strategies to improve community case management of diarrhea among children under five in developing countries, Fauziah Rabbani and Aysha Zahidie


Use of checklists, Mark Romig, Asad Latif, and Peter J. Pronovost


Aspects that Affect Whole Number Learning: Cultural Artefacts and Mathematical Tasks, Veronica Sarungi

Naming Shuʿūbīs, Sarah Savant


Returns on Investment in the Continuum of Care for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health., Karin Stenberg, Kim Sweeny, Henrik Axelson, Marleen Temmerman, and Peter Sheehan


Genetics of Puberty, Shehla Tabassum and Salman Kirmani


Achievement in mathematics: Comparative analysis from East Africa, Geoff D. Tennant Dr and Veronica Sarungi


Towards a harmonized curriculum in East Africa: A comparative perspective of the intended secondary school mathematics curriculum in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, Geoff Tennant and Simon Karuku


Emergency medicine: essential practical procedure skills, Shahan Waheed, Emaduddin Siddiqui, and Muhammad Akbar Baig

Submissions from 2015


Selective laser trabeculoplasty, Samer A. Abuswider, Karim F. Damji, and Robert Ritch


Child Development, Disability and Global Health: Opportunity and Responsibility, Robert Armstrong


A Perso-Islamic universal chronicle in its historical context: Ghiyās̱ al-Dīn Khwāndamīr’s Ḥabīb al-siyar, Shahzad Bashir


A Perso-lslamic universal chronicle in its historical context: Ghiyas al-Din Khwandamir's Habib al-siyar, Shahzad Bashir


Teacher education continuum: A case for continuing professional development, Anjum Halai


Mathematics education in a multilingual and multicultural environment, Anjum Halai and Richard Barwell


School leaders’ engagement in curriculum planning and decision making, Riaz Hussain