Submissions from 2025
Removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in environmental matrices by biochars: mechanisms, fate, and research needs, Bashir Adelodun, Oyebankole Agbelusi, Qudus Adeyi, Abdulhamid Yusuf, Fidelis Odedishemi Ajibade, Aminu Abdullahi, Golden Odey, Pankaj Kumar, Temitope Fausat t Ajibade, and Tarun Pal Tarun Pal
Exploring knowledge, will, skills, technological support, and use of ChatGPT in higher education: A cross-sectional survey, Sadia Muzaffar Bhutta, Sohail Ahmad, Aisha Naz Ansari, Afaq Ahmed, and Kiran Qasim Ali
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence Tools for Learning: Academic Integrity and Ethics in Higher Education in Kenya, Edwin Okumu Ogalo and Fredrick Mtenzi
Submissions from 2024
The Left in Turkey: Survival and Resistance Under Authoritarianism, Sevgi Adak
Transforming teaching learning with chatbots in higher education: Quest, opportunities and challenges for quality enhancement, Sohail Ahmad, Afaq Ahmed, Sadia Muzaffar Bhutta, and Aisha Naz Ansari
Factors Impacting Students' Well-Being and Possible Intervention Strategies in Kenyan Universities, Samson Barongo, Cynthia Mwau, and Howard Omukami
One faith community’s reassertion of itself in space and time: The case of the Ismaili Muslims in diverse contexts, Anil Khamis and Carl Amrhein
The Implementation of Research Findings for LIS Professional Practices in Selected Academic Libraries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Jackline Estomihi Kiwelu, Justina E. Ogbonna, and Gadiel Ketto
Giving up the field, Stephen M. Lyon
The dengue vaccine initiative: A bibliometric analysis of research publications, Festus Mulakoli, Abednego Ongeso, and Horatius Musembi
Nursing Care in Sickle Cell Disease: Lessons from East Africa, Eunice Ndirangu
Media censorship in East Africa during elections, George Nyabuga and Shitemi Khamadi
Al-salat: The Ritual of Rituals in Islam, Jonas Otterbeck
Global Child Health, Suzinne Pak-Gorstein, Ruth W. Nduati, Sansanee S. Craig, and Susan Wamithi
Artificial intelligence, sex chatbots, Duane Rousselle
Establishing a bone tumor registry: The first step towards a national registry, Javeria Saeed, masood umer, and Fareeha Masood
Covid-19 lockdowns: a catalyst for rethinking assessments in skill-based nursing courses, Zeenar Salim, Anil Khamis, Shanaz Cassum, Zohra Kurji, and Pammla Petrucka
Covid-19 lockdowns: a catalyst for rethinking assessments in skill-based nursing courses, Zeenar Salim, Anil Khamis, Zohra Kurji, Pammla Petrucka, and Shanaz Hussein Cassum SC
Management of Infections and Fever in Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), Ahmed Sarki Dr, Lilian Nuwabaine, and Sabrina Bakeera-Kitaka
People, Livelihoods and Contested Meanings of Land in Tanzania, Emmanuel Sulle and Richard Mbunda
The intersection of gender and mental well-being among adolescents in Pakistan: Challenges, strategies, and future recommendations, Ambreen Tharani, Zahra Tharani, Sharifa Bashir Lalani, Razia Bano Momin, and Shireen Shehzad Bhamani
AI and society: Fostering inclusive education for the future of Education, Zubaida Faisal Virani and Saleema Gulzar
Empowering education leaders: Gender-inclusive pedagogy in East Africa, Nyagwegwe Wango, Jane Rarieya, and Tage Biswalo
Submissions from 2023
A Forgotten Wave: Socialist Women’s Activism and the Struggle for Gender Equality, Sevgi Adak
Modernizing Attire, Modernizing the Nation: Reflections of Kemalist Clothing Reforms, Sevgi Adak
Mentoring in research and academia is a faculty life saver: Theoretical and practical evidence, Elishba Khalil Akhtar and Tazeen Saeed Ali
School supervision: A tool for effective governance or an institutional burden?, Takbir Ali
Widowhood, Tazeen Saeed Ali, Anum S. Hussaini, Parveen Ali, and Michaela M. Rogers
Dowry-related abuse and dowry death, Tazeen Saeed Ali, Zohra Asif Jetha, Shagufta Parveen, Parveen Ali, and Michaela M. Rogers
Learning experience in the Kenyan primary schools with the lens of paradigm shift to the Competence Based Curriculum (CBC), Zaituni Ali, Peter Kajoro, and Fredrick Mtenzi
Transfer of STEM research for designing contextually relevant curriculum in Pakistan: A case study, Tasneem Anwar and Umber Siddiqui
After the Messiah: The Nūrbakhshiyyeh in late Timurid and early Safavid times, Shahzad Bashir
Social aspects of violence: Cultural dowry practices and intimate partner violence (IPV) in Pakistan, Shireen Shehzad Bhamani, Ambreen Merchant, Zohra Asif Jetha, and Tazeen Saeed Ali
Old, New or Digital Philology: Working towards an Amalgamated Work Frame, Walid Ghali
Language of teaching and learning and school mathematics curriculum reform: Tensions in equity and access, Anjum Halai
Nurse practitioner role in Kenya, Rachel Kimani and Eunice Ndirangu
Teacher educators' experiences and expressions of emotion during the pandemic: International perspectives, Melissa Newberry, Meher Rizvi, Anna van der Want, Gabriela Jonas-Ahrend, Stavroula Kaldi, Toshiyuki Kihara, Juan Vicente Ortiz Franco, and Tara Ratnam
Religion, language and national identity construction in school textbooks in South Asia - Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, Laraib Niaz, Kusha Anand, Farid Panjwani, and Marie Lall
Dialogic art: The Photographer Peter Sanders on promoting understanding, Jonas Otterbeck
Intimate partner violence through the lens of gender, finance, and ethics, Nasreen Rafiq, Zahra Tharani, Zohra Asif Jetha, and Tazeen Saeed Ali
Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible, Duane Rousselle
School improvement leadership: Lessons learnt in the mountainous region of Gilgit-Baltistan, Mola Dad Shafa and Sharifullah Baig
Management of associated risks of pregnancy in polycystic ovary syndrome, Lumaan Sheikh, Zaheena Shamsul Islam, and Nida Najmi
Cultural considerations in the declaration of death by neurologic criteria in Africa, Wangari Siika, Dilraj Sokhi, and Violet Naanyu
Preventable deaths from respiratory diseases in children in low- and middle-income countries, Justus M. Simba, Anne Irungu, Samuel Otido, Duncan Tumwa, Samson Mugane, Resty Musigula, David Andai, Faith Atieno, Mary Nyambura, and Patrick Mburugu
The politics of the smallholder-investor relationship in the Tanzanian sugar sector, Emanuel Sulle, Faustin Maganga, Rose Qamara, Evans Boadu, Happiness Malle, and Onesmo Minani
Mentoring During COVID-19, Serah Wachira
Treatment guidelines overview: American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology/Multisociety guideline and updates, Karol Watson, Salim S. Virani, and Neil J. Stone
Who Is Interested in Teacher Leadership and Why?, Charles F. Webber, Clelia Pineda-Báez Pineda-Báez, Gloria Gratacós Gloria Gratacós, Wachira Nicholas, and Jodi Nickel
Submissions from 2022
Neurosurgery Education Around the World: Africa, Najia El Abbadi, Rime Al Baroudi, Abdesslam El Khamlichi, Mahmood Qureshi, Kalango Kalangu, and Jeff Ntalaja
Giriş: Tek-Parti Dönemini Yeniden Düşünmek, Sevgi Adak and Alexandros Lamprou
A complex educational landscape: The impossible choices of private, public and language options in Pakistan, Mirat al Fatima Ahsan and Stephen M. Lyon
Dancing the Islamic way: Two famous Sufi masters, Shahzad Bashir
Prospects for a new idiom for Islamic history, Shahzad Bashir
Public engagement, Tania M. Bubela, Katie Fenn, Sally Greenwood, Anne-Marie Nicol, Beverly Pomeroy, Harlan Pruden, Emily Rempel, and Alice Alice Virani
Suicidal Self-Burning in Women and Men Around the World: A Cultural and Gender Analysis of Patterns and Explanations, Silvia Sara Canetto, Shiva Pouradeli, Murad Khan, and Mohsen Rezaeian
The Role of Neurosurgery in Global Health Head Trauma, David Clark, Beverly Cheserem, Indira Devi Bhagavatula, Anthony Figaji, and Peter Hutchinson
Humour in Islamic literature and Muslim practices: Virtue or Vice?, Walid Ghali
Poems in praise of the Prophet (madīḥ) as a citizen of the literary world, Walid Ghali
The making of a Qur’ān manuscript in Lamu Archipelago : the Indian Ocean cross-cultural influence, Walid Ghali
Teaching mathematics: Mathematics education for sustainable development, Merrilyn Goos and Anjum Halai
Teachers’ perspectives and practice of assessment for learning in classrooms in Tanzania, Anjum Halai, Veronica Sarungi, and Therese N. Hopfenbeck
Education in the air: The AKDN’s responses to the emerging educational needs during the COVID-19 crisis – lessons from Pakistan, Riaz Hussain and Syed Gohar Ali Shah
Strategies for Sustainable Access to Electronic Resources by the Consortium of Uganda University Libraries during the Covid-19 pandemic, Jackline Estomihi Kiwelu, Jesca Karungi, and Andrew Mwesigwa
Supportive Curriculum Framework for Remote Learning in Tanzania Early Childhood Education: Insights From the COVID-19 Pandemic, Fredrick Mtenzi and Musa Saimon
Dengue Virus Surveillance and Blood Safety: A One Health Perspective, Festus Mulakoli, George Gachara, Eric Ndombi, and Samoel Khamadi
Application of Mixed Methods in Information Science Research in Africa: A Methodological Review, Sarah Nakaziba and Mary Namuguzi
Power Practices and Pop: The Islam of Zain Bhikha, Jonas Otterbeck
Teaching about Islam: Insights from hermeneutics, Farid Panjwani
The Great Divide in Legal Discourse: Towards a Global Historical Ontology of the Concept of Positive Law., Gianluca Parolin and Baudouin Dupret
Middle Level Teacher Education in Uganda: Reclaiming Your Past, Identifying Your Present, and Imagining Your Future, Diane Ross, Doris Maandeebo Abiria, Doreen Alumaya, Sam Andema, and Irene Oroma
Childhood cancer in the Eastern Mediterranean region, Raya Saab, Ranin Soliman, Asim Belgaumi, Leila Hessissen, Tezer Kutluk, Lydia Konig, Sawsan Jaffar Sawan Al Madhi, Iyad Sultan, Mhamed Harif, and Nasim Pourghazian
Al-Ṭabarī’s Unacknowledged Debt to Ibn Abī Ṭāhir Ṭayfūr, Sarah Savant
People Versus Books, Sarah Savant
Demographics and baseline disease characteristics of patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis from Kenya participating in the CHIMES trial, Dilraj Sokhi, Juzar Hooker, Mitzi J. Williams, Aisleen Shamshudin, Yuashita Hussein, Peter Betti, Heldah Amariati, Noureen Karimi, Stacey Gondi, and Mansoor Saleh
Academy Schools in England: Neoliberalism, Privatisation and Governance, Jeff Tan
Diagnosis of IPF, Pahnwat T. Taweesedt, Kejal Gandhi, Reena Shah, and Salim Surani
Submissions from 2021
Education and socioeconomic development of FATA: Challenges and opportunities, Sajid Ali
Teaching and learning in social studies classrooms in Pakistan, Takbir Ali and Shahid Karim
Delivering Truly Evidence-Based Mental Health Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: The Dangers of Experimentation, Lukoye Atwoli and Joy Muhia
The Imam's return: Messianic leadership in late medieval Shiʿsm, Shahzad Bashir
Aḥmad b. Muḥammad al-Jarādī: Sīrat al-Ḵawāja al-ʾAkram al-Marḥūm Harmān al-ʾAlmānī, Alex Bellem and G. Smith
Islamic religious education in England, Bill Gent, Mike Diboll, and Farid Panjwani
Developing loyal citizens: A case of social studies education in Pakistan, Shahid Karim and Takbir Ali
Det rituella livet, Jonas Otterbeck
Music in Muslim Contexts: Deep Histories and Broad Futures, Jonas Otterbeck and Mark LeVine
Muslim Popular Music: An Enchanted Century, Jonas Otterbeck and Mark LeVine
Enquêteurs (non) familiers. Qui mène les enquêtes dans les séries télévisées égyptiennes ?, Gianluca Parolin
بنية التحقيق في (يوميات نائب في الأرياف) بين الرواية (١٩٣٧) والفيلم (١٩٦٩), Gianluca Parolin
Iran’s Conversion to Islam and History Writing as an Art for Forgetting, Sarah Savant
Kharijism in the Umayyad Period, Peter Verkinderen
Submissions from 2020
Yetmişli Yıllarda Kadın Hareketi: Yeni Bir Feminizmin Ayak Sesleri, Sevgi Adak
Histopathology of the gastrointestinal tract, Zubair Ahmad and Sabeehuddin Siddique
Histopathology of respiratory system and mediastinum, Rashida Ahmed and Qurratulain Chundriger
Genetic Influences of Puberty, Syed Ibaad Ali, Ariba Khan, and Salman Kirmani