
Submissions from 1992


An interactive approach to using checklists for materials evaluation, Fauzia Shamim

Submissions from 1991

Using small area and administrative data to examine aggregation effects in demographic analysis, Carl Amrhein

A model for statistical quality control of spatial data on GIS, Carl Amrhein and D. Griffith

Submissions from 1990

Data quality standards and geographic information systems, Carl Amrhein and P. Schut

Submissions from 1989


The effect of data aggregation on a poisson model of Canadian migration, Carl Amrhein and R. Flowerdew

Submissions from 1987


Simulation and labour market dynamics, Carl Amrhein

Submissions from 1986


Towards a behavioral model of a spatial labor market, Carl Amrhein and Ross D. MacKinnon

Submissions from 1985

Simulating intraindustry change and migration, Carl Amrhein and J.W. Harrington

Submissions from 1984

The effect of spatial structure on interregional labor migration, Carl Amrhein and L. Leifer


Repetitivity and therapy of luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome, Marleen Temmerman

Submissions from 1983

The effect of random thiessen structure and random processes on the measurement of spatial auto-correlation, Carl Amrhein, D. Griffith, and J. Guevara