"Application of Mixed Methods in Information Science Research in Africa" by Sarah Nakaziba and Mary Namuguzi

Application of Mixed Methods in Information Science Research in Africa: A Methodological Review

Document Type

Book Chapter




Patrick Ngulube

Publication (Name of Journal)

Handbook of Research on Mixed Methods Research in Information Science


Libraries; School of Nursing and Midwifery, East Africa


IGI Global


The chapter discusses the application of mixed methods research (MMR) in information science (LIS) journals in Africa. MMR is increasingly becoming popular because it provides a comprehensive overview of a complex phenomenon that a single methodology cannot address. It adds insight and perspectives into a study, thereby enriching the findings. The chapter reviewed information science journals indexed in African Journals Online (AJOL), which is a core database in Africa. Twelve journals indexed between 2011 and 2020 were identified for the methodological review to help determine the prevalence of MMR in LIS and establish the reporting quality of MMR in LIS. Findings indicated that MMR studies in the LIS field in Africa was still low, and the few studies that had adopted MMR had poor quality reporting.
