Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Factors that facilitate or hinder students learning of geometry (in Pakistani classroom), Wassef Ali Mustafa
The recast government sponsorship policy in public universities in Uganda: A critical policy historiography, Susan Allen Namalefe
Exploring the ways a principal influences students' learning in a private school in Karachi, Pakistan, Ghulam Nasir
Is there a shortage of female health workers in (MOPH) Paktya province Afganistan? : a descriptive case study design, Rahmatullah Nizamal
Exploring perceptions and practices of science teachers about how boys and girls learn science, Sultana Ali Norozi
Enhancement of English writing skills, Aaliya Pervez
Impact of special GP training on adherence to antihypertensive medication : a cluster randomized controlled trial, Nudrat Noor Qureshi
Knowledge about and management of sexually transmitted infections by general practioners of Karachi, Anwar Rafay
Developing reading skills among five year old children through stories, Latifa Rahman
Male involvement in Spacing births, Afghanistan, Mohammad Hafiz Rasooly
Teamwork in a government girls higher secondary school in Karachi, Atique Ur Rehman
Improving primary ESL students reading through whole language approach, Nozukmo Rustambekova
Prevalence and risk factors of mycobacterium tuberculosis infection among prisoners in Kabul central prison (Puli Charkhi), Afghanistan, Khwaja Mir Islam Saeed
The nature of teacher leadership, Bahrom Saidov
Developing collaborative practice, Abdul Wahid Zirak
Building capacity for teaching reading in a primary school, Mahnaz Hassan Zuberi
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Transformation of an ordinary school into a green school, Ghulam Abbas
The effects of an English teacher's teaching methods on students' reading comprehension skills, Attiullah Abdullah
The enrichment of (planned & enacted) science curriculum through hands-on learning for elementary class (VI), Saleem Ahmed
Developing young children's creative writing ability in English as a second language in a primary English medium school in Karachi, Pakistan, Katherine Joy Akello
Developing young children's creative writing ability in English as a second language in a primary English medium school in Karachi, Pakistan., Katherine Joy Akello
Evaluation of an off campus primary care facility of a private university hospital at Karachi, Muhammad Mazhar Alam
Exploring the possibilities of using poetry for enhancing language development of secondary school students, Zill-e-Huma Asif
Implementing the international baccalaureate (IB) middle years programme (MYP) in a private school in Pakistan rationale and challenges, Tasleema Begum
Let's talk, Suakina Bhojani
Implementation of teaching based on multiple intelligences in the primary science classroom: Action research, Shahlo Elnazara Imomnazarovna
Professional development of teachers through activity-based learning skills in science, Mafabi Nancy Irene
Professional development of teachers through "activity-based learning skills in science", Mafabi Nancy Irene
Development of listening and speaking skills in English for grade 6 teachers, Nighat Jabeen
The principal's role in creating conditions for teachers to undertake leadership roles, Bulbul Khan
Exploring principal-student relationships in a private secondary school in Pakistan, Gulab Khan
Review and improve assessment policy for a school, Imran Khan
E-cycles of developing mathematical thinking, Kausar Begum Khan
E-cycles of developing mathematical thinking, Kausar Begum Khan
The influences of performance appraisal on teachers' professional development: A case study of a private school in Karachi, Pakistan, Mohammad Afzal Khan
School-Based management and its influence on school improvement efforts: A case study of a community-based secondary school in Karachi, Pakistan, Mohammad Nasir Khan
Exploring the co-relation of a headteachers' decision making and her prior professional experiences in dealing with challenges in intial years of headship, Sumaira Taj Khan
The use of ICT in social studies classroom: The Pakistani context, Mpuya Bundala Kamuli Malaba
The use of ICT in social studies classroom: The Pakistani context., Mpuya Bundala Kamuli Malaba
Parental involvement in a private primary school in Karachi, Navbukhor Mamadyusufov
How problem-solving tasks work in a mathematics classroom in relation to developing students' mathematical thinking, Basiliana Caroli Mrimi
How problem-solving tasks work in a mathematics classroom in relation to developing students' mathematical thinking, Basiliana Caroli Mrimi
How problem-solving tasks work in a mathematics classroom in relation to developing students' mathematical thinking, Basiliana Caroli Mrimi
Implementing International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in a private school in Kenya, Esther Wanjiru Ndirangu
Implementing international baccalaurete diploma programme in a private school in Kenya, Esther Wanjiru Ndirangu
Impact assessment of English language support program at AKU-IED, in relation to learners' needs, Jamal Papieva
To develop resources for Learning Resource Centre (LRC) to teach English in primary class 1, Noorjehan Deedar Ali Sajwani
What is the relationship between teachers' beliefs about mathematics and their teaching practice in the classroom?, Mbarouk Said Salim
What is the relationship between teachers'beliefs about mathematics and their teaching practice in the classroom?, Mbarouk Said Salim
The influence of the process of teachers' involvement in school development planning on their practices, Mwanaate Juma Shaaban
The influence of the process of teachers' involvement in school development planning on their practices, Mwanaate Juma Shaaban
A principles' impact on teachers' classroom pedagogical practices, Liaquat Ali Shah
Enabling teachers to teach the concept of rights and responsibilities more effectively, through making and using teaching material, Kaukab Shamim
Hospital based study of risk factors for preeclampsia in nulliporous and porous women : a matched case control study, Uzma Shamsi
Myth or reality: Exploring teachers' understanding of teacher leadership roles in a Pakistani school, Tajuddin Sharar
Goal: Enrichment of algebra (grade 8th) through resource based teaching and learning, Syeda Rubina Zaidi
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Subject coordinator's leadership roles for school improvement, Mohammed Juma Abdalla
Subject coordinator's leadership roles for school improvement, Muhammed Juma Abdalla
Breast cancer knowledge and associated factors among female registered nurses working in teaching hospitals, Faiza Ahmed
A study of a head teacher's perceived and performed roles in a community school in Karachi, Abida Begum
A secondary science teachers beliefs about environmental education and its relationship with the classroom practices, Salima Begum
Building scenarios for the development and implementation of a computer based management information system for Kenyan secondary school., Onguko Brown Bully Ndale
Understanding a prinicple's role in managing financial resources in a private school in the context of Pakistan, Fraidonov Farrukhsho
The role of science learning area coordinators in implementing school improvement through curriculum development innovation: A case study, Mahmood Ghaznavi
Exploring English teachers' perceptions about the infusion of environmental themes into the English language curriculum in lower secondary ESL classroom in Pakistan., Mussa Mkwende Hassan
Resource allocation and the enhanced National Aids Control Programme : decision maker's perspectives, Sara Husain
A case study of teacher leadership at a private higher secondary school in North Pakistan, Mehnaz Jehan
Teachers workplace learning in a developing country: Facilitating and inhibiting conditions, Caroline Kavuma
Teachers' workplace learning in developing country: Facilitating and inhibiting conditions., Caroline Nakidde Kavuma
The role and processes of service learning in a high school Karachi: A case study, Amir Wali Khan
Role of portfolio in teacher's professional development and learning, Babar Khan
A study of secondary mathematics teacher's beliefs about the nature of mathematics, Mohammad Ibrahim Khan
A mentor's and a mentee's perceptions of the mentoring process as a tool for professional development, Muhammad Nabi Khan
Knowledge of modifiable risk factors of heart disease among patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction in a tertiary care hospital Karachi, Pakistan : a cross sectional study, Muhammad Saleem Khan
The possibilities and challenges of introducing, implementing, and sustaining school based teacher development programme, Sher Doom Khan
The impact of AKU-IED certificates in education (science) on the teaching practice of a science teacher in a government school, Noor Ahmed Khoso
Possibilities and practicalities of enriching the class 5 English curriculum, Junaid Ahmed Memon
Exploring English teachers' perceptions about the infusion of environmental themes into the English language curriculum in lower secondary ESL classrooms in Pakistan, Hassan Mussa Mkwende
Infusing environmental themes into existing primary in-service teacher education programs in science, Shahid Hussain Mughal
An exploration of teachers' knowledge, beliefs and practices in integrating ICT in different curriculum areas in a secondary school in Pakistan, Alcuin Ivor Mwalongo
An exploration of teachers' knowledge, beliefs and practices in integrating ICT in different curriculum areas in a secondary school in Pakistan., Alcuin Ivor Mwalongo
Understanding the development of an ESL teachers classroom practices, Abid Ali Naeem
A study of formative assessment strategies in the teaching of mathematics in a private primary school in Karachi, Pakistan, Emmanuel Ndoori
A study of formative assessment strategies in the teaching of mathematics in a private primary school in Karachi, Pakistan., Emmanuel Ndoori
Enhancing theme-based integrated teaching approach of the early childhood development (ECD) curriculum in a non-governmental organisation school in Pakistan., Amos Gichuhi Ngugi
The role of the principal in enhancing efficient school improvement through collaboration: A critical perspective, Mary Anyango Oluga
The role of the principal in enhancing efficient school improvement through collaboration: A critical perspective, Mary Anyango Oluga
Perceptions of health managers on the current facility based health management information system, Muhammad Suleman Qazi
Patient welfare systems in private tertiary-care hospitals in Karachi, Syed Saif-Ur Rehman
Prevalence of and factors associated with Hepatitis C infection among barbers in Rawalpindi city, Pakistan, Tahira Ezra Reza
Role of community based education committee (EC) in the school management and its effect on school performance, Muhammad Riaz
Maternal risk factors associated with low birth weight among women 15-35 years in hospital births of Karachi, Pakistan : a case control study, Sameera Ali Rizvi