"The principal's role in creating conditions for teachers to undertake " by Bulbul Khan

The principal's role in creating conditions for teachers to undertake leadership roles

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M. Ed.)


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


This study set out to explore the principal's role in creating conditions for teachers to undertake leadership roles. Traditionally, school principals keep all the important tasks to themselves and do not trust teachers for their leadership capabilities. Proponents of teacher leadership highlight that teachers can enact leadership roles within and beyond their classrooms. The study argues that teachers can perform leadership roles if the supportive conditions are made available to them. Within the qualitative research paradigm, case study research method was employed as a viable research methodology. Data collection was done over a period of six weeks through in-depth interviews with the principal and selected teachers. Data was also collected through observation of principal's involvement in school routine activities and pattern of work in the office. Smaller group meetings were also observed. Additionally, documents were also analyzed. The findings of the study suggest that the principal's strategic leadership approach has been significant in creating administrative, academic and professional conditions within which teachers are enacting leadership roles according to their expertise. By creating multiple leadership roles in each dimension, the principal has been able to provide leadership opportunities to all the teachers. The principal's role as a monitor, a supporter and a trust builder has helped him to ensure the effective enactment of leadership roles by the teachers. The study is distinctive in its nature, because it investigated an area that is not researched enough in developing countries like Pakistan. Principals of schools can raise the morale and status of teachers by trusting them as capable individuals for performing leadership roles. The conclusions of the study suggest that school principals can accomplish diverse tasks through the involvement of teachers as credible leaders in their own capacities and expertise. The bottom line in the accomplishment of tasks and enactment of leadership roles effectively and efficiently is recognizing and trusting teachers as capable individuals.

This document is available in the relevant AKU library
