Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Facilitating teachers to enquiry in social studies classrooms, Dawar Shah
Role of classroom culture in constructing gendered identities of children at the primary school level, Zareen Taj
Evaluation of suspected renal colic patients with unenhanced low-dose Multidetector Computed Tomography (MDCT), Nebayosi Twahirwa
Comparison of doppler studies in obstetrics with fetal outcome, Sheila Waa
Integration of HIV/AIDS education in the pre-school curriculum, Shelina Nawaz Walli
Prevalence and correlates of tobacco smoking among adult males of Kabul city, Afghanistan, Abdul Basir Welayatee
An exploratory study on the use of ICT in the management of secondary in Dar es salaam., Basajjabaka Nkangi Yackoub
Influence of DNA methylation in determining cellular phenotype and its usefulness as a diagnostic biomarker for detecting prostate cancer, Ahmed Yaqinuddin
Exploring students transition experiences from primary school to secondary school in a government secondary school of Karachi, Mohammad Yousuf
The perceptions and practices of social studies teachers about enquiry-based teaching in Karachi, Pakistan, Aikyanai Yusupova
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Comparison of population screening tools for coronary artery disease with myocaridail perfusion imaging in adult population in Karachi, Shazia Shehzad Abbas
ICPD to MDGs- a quest for common grounds : where do we and what needs to be done?, Farina Abrejo
Patterns of road traffic injuries at two tertiary care hospitals of Quetta, Baluchistancby Abdul Rahim Agha., Abdul Rahim Agha
Promoting discussion in a lower secondary science classroom, Naheed Parveen Anwar
Challenges in teaching mathematics at the ECD level: Implications for teachers and teacher educators, Anjum Ara
Role of school leadership in enhancing home-school relationships in a community school in Karachi, Pakistan, Sher Jawan Baig
Role of the head teacher in fostering collaborative learning among teachers in a government secondary school, Fozia Ahmed Baloch
The current practices of school development planning in a private school in Karachi, Marina Begum
Innovative strategies to promote students' argumentation in science, Ali Gohar Chang
Integration of computers with teaching of science at the lower secondary level, Muhammad Umer Daraz
Exploring teachers' practices of teaching creative writing skills in an early childhood development (ECD) classroom in a community school: A case study, Shairoz Ismail Dhanani
Tele-health in Asia : a systematic review, Hammad Durrani
Contribution of unschooled parents in the education of their children, Muhammad Ejaz
The prevalence of persistent albuminuria and its associated risk factors in hypertensive patients of Karachi Pakistan., Muslima Ejaz
An inclusive school's principal perspective successes and challenges, Zakia Elahi
Opportunities for improving oral skill in English in the English and content area classes: Exploratory study, Diana Louisa Francis
Facilitating teachers for gender sensitive political literacy instruction, Sadaf Furqan
Developing understanding of a writing frame for explanation in science writing, Umme-Farwah Hasnain
Processes used by the governing body for retaining teachers, Ijlal Hussain
Teachers as agents of school improvement: A case study, Manzoor Hussain
Improvement in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: a comparison of various treatment modalities offered to patients attending a teaching, tertiary care hospital, in Karachi, Pakistan, Saleem Perwaiz Iqbal
The implementation of student-centered teaching in grade four and six mathematics classrooms, Rahmat Jan
Exploring the perceptions of parents and girls about girls' education in a Kachi Abadi of Karachi, Pakistan, Sakhi Ahmed Jan
Integration of Science, Technology and Society (STS) approach in teaching chemistry at higher secondary level, Shairose Irfan Jessani
The headteacher’s role in motivating teachers to work in a secondary school facing adverse circumstances, Nazir Ahmed Jogezai
A principal’s challenges in improving teachers’ classroom practices and her strategies for address these challenges, Abdul Sher Khan
School-home partnership in the context of a private school located in Karachi, Pakistan, Ali Murad Khan
Stakeholders' perceptions and action for addressing students' dropout in a government secondary school in Karachi, Ashraf Ali Khan
Exploring roles of a subject coordinator in a private secondary school Karachi, Pakistan, Babar Khan
Exploring the influences of teacher performance appraisal on teachers' motivation: A case study, Karim Mohammad Khan
Facilitating social studies teachers in teaching controversial issues for developing political literacy in students, Shabnam Sohail Khan
Including the excluded: A case study of an inclusive classroom in an inclusive education school in Karachi, Pakistan, Sher Nawaz Khan
Health promoting hospitals : needs and strategies for Pakistancby Asif Raza Khowaja., Asif Raza Khowaja
Becoming and being a PDT: The relations between personal and professional life, Kanykei Ahmatova Mahamatjanovna
Mathematics teachers selection and use of instructional materials, Elnazarova Mavji
Role of a head teacher in promoting the use of ICT among the learning area coordinators: A case study, Nizamuddin
Women in school leadership: Exploring gender experiences in becoming and being school leaders, Josphine Akinyi Nyangaga
Facilitating teachers' understanding and teaching of critical-thinking as a way to develop students' political literacy, Rakshanda Ovais
A comparative study of a male and a female school leader, Mahi Parveen
Exploring teachers collaborative practices in teaching and learning a private school in Karachi, Pakistan, Mehr Perwer
Teachers' strategies of giving feedback in a lower secondary mathematics classroom (a case study), Aziz Rahmat
Impact of teacher performance appraisal on appraisers: A case study, Shad Aman Shah
Exploring the current supervisory practices in government primary schools in Karachi, Pakistan, Noor Hussain Shar
Improving teaching English speaking skills in lower secondary schools of Karachi, Ghassan Shughri
Quality assessment of a private university dental hospital in Karachi: case study using European Foundation for quality management (EFQM) excellence model, Farhan Saeed Vakani
Effects of teacher turnover: A case study of a private school, Khan Zada
Teachers' instructional practices in relation to their expectations from girls and boys in a co-education primary school in Pakistan, Nasima Zainulabidin
An exploratory study of teacher collaboration: A case of a private school in Karachi, Pakistan, Ali Murad Zargar
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
What strategies are employed by the head teacher to empower teachers in the classrrom, Suleiman Jecha Ahmada
What strategies are employed by the headteacher to empower teachers in the classroom., Suleiman Jecha Ahmada
A qualitative study on paucity of laws regulating private health care sector in Pakistan, Haseeb Ahmed
Counseling in school: Exploring the possibilities, Tehama Ahmad Al-Massarani
Authentic assessment: An approach to enhance and assess students’ learning, Sher Azim
Exploring PDTs roles in transforming their schools into learning organizations, Abdul Zahir Azizi
How to sustain the impact of a cluster based mentoring program on teachers practices, Fida Hussain Chang
The principal as a facilitator of school-based professional development of teachers: A case study of a private school in Karachi, Pakistan, Khudonazarov Davlatnazar
Understanding barriers to North-South collaborative research: contextual issues in a case study of chlorhexidine trial by AKU & UAB, Zia-Ullah Khan Dawar
A study of the role of the principal of a teachers' training college with regard to teacher educators professional development, Muznah Faheem
Does spousal abuse during pregnancy affect the infant birth weight?, Mufiza Farid
Exploring head teacher's understanding of monitoring in community based schools in Karachi, Pakistan, Syed Feroz-ud-Din
Empowerment among Pakistani nursing leaders: A grounded theory approach, Saleema A. Gulzar
An understanding of the processes and issues involved in developing mathematical thinking among pre-service teachers, Sajid Hussain
Capacity building of teachers for using computers in a government secondary school in Karachi, Zafar Iqbal
Issue-Based inquiry as an instructional strategy in educating students for citizenship, Asya Iddi Issa
Issue-based inquiry as an instructional strategy in educating students for citizenship., Asya Iddi Issa
Professional development of two 5th grade social studies teachers to infuse environmental education effectively in their teaching, Sadaf Jehangir
Effects of low salt diet versus high salt diet on blood pressure: a randomized controlled crossover trial, Saleem Jessani
Developing map skills of three primary social studies teachers in a community based school in Karachi, Abdul Khalid
Use of inquiry for teaching social studies in a lower secondary class at a private school in Karachi, Ahmad Wali Khan
Exploring Professional Development Teachers' perceived and performed roles in promoting teachers' professional development, Mohammad Jahangir Khan
Use of locally available materials in teaching science, Shakir Ahmad Khan
A case-control study of risk factors associated with Hepatitis C infection among pregnant women in hospitals of Karachi- Pakistan, Uzma Rahim Khan
Reflective conversation for teacher development, Humaira Ashraf Khokhar
Estimating cost of illness of diabetes mellitus in out-patient clinic setting of Karachi, Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khowaja
Exploring the successes and challenges faced by subject leaders in providing support to teachers, Alfred Nzai Kiraga
Exploring the successes and challenges faced by subject leaders in providing support to teachers, Alfred Nzai Kiraga
Exploring students leadership perceptions and practices in a private secondary school in Karachi, Pakistan, Gulrukhsor Konunova
Issues of gender equity: a case study of decentralized health care system of District Nawabshah, Sindh, Nawab Khan Mangrio
Prevalence of and factors associated with intestinal parasites among children from 1 to 5 years of age in an urban slum of Karachi, Vikram Mehraj
Education for all through inclusive education: The role of the principal in transforming the school to reach out to all learners through inclusive education: A case study of a private school, Anne Esendi Ngoda Musalia
Education for all through inclusive education: The role of the principal in transforming the school to reach out to all learners through inclusive education: A case study of a private school., Anne Essendi Ngoda Musalia