Theses/Dissertations from 2009
The prevalence of postoperative pain following day surgery in the first 48 hours at Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi, Gilbert Mwaka
Risk of contrast induced nephropathy in HIV patients receiving radiographic contrast at three Aga Khan Hospitals, Sitna A. Mwanzi
Factors associated with depression among elderly in Karachi Pakistan: a matched case control study, Kashmira Nanji
Students' knowledge of and attitudes towards HIV and AIDS: a case study in a rural secondary school, Asha Soud Nassor
The nature of organizational learning in a private school in the Pakistani context, Ali Nawab
Evolution of education in Hunza, the Northern Areas of Pakistan: Views of early teachers of Hunza, Aafiyat Nazar
Possibilities and constraints of mobile learning: a case study of a school leaders' in- service programme in an East African Univeristy, Symon Gachugi Ngatia
Exploring the role of the principal in facilitating students' leadership in secondary school in Karachi, Pakistan, Sahib Nigar
Teacher performance appraisal: A tool for professional development, Taj Un Nisa
Factors affecting the effectiveness of school staff meetings: a study of two high schools in Northern Kenya, Boyo Bernard Odhiambo
Enhancing ESL learners' oral communication through use of discussion strategy: an action research study, Teresa Akinyi Okoth
Enhancing ESL learners' oral communication through use of dicussion strategy: an action research study, Treresa Akinyi Okoth
Teachers assessment practices during instruction in a biology classroom in Nairobi, Kenya, Makatia Apopo Olisa
The head teachers' role in school improvement: a case study of a primary school in Dar es salaam, Tanzania, Samuel Owino Oluoch
Science teachers' perceptions of the role of practical work and their influence on the teaching of secondary school science: a case study, Ambrose Ouma Omolo
Enhancing ESL learners' understanding of reading comprehension: An action research, Angela Achieng Otieno
The use of mathematics register as a reflection of conceptual understanding: an exploratory study, Nick Vincent Otuma
Exploring patterns in conceptions and enactment of democracy by secondary school teachers in Karachi, Pakistan, Karim Panah
The role of schools in raising HIV and AIDS awareness among students in public secondary school in the urban district of Zanzibar., Safia Ali Rijaal
The prevalence of Anemia and Malaria, and their association, among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in Laghman Province, Afghanistan : a cross-sectional study, Mohammad Nadir Sahak
Factors affecting retention and motivation of doctors working in basic health units of district Abbottabad, Sayed Masoom Shah
Exploring students' responses to inquiry approach to teaching in a lower secondary science classroom, Zulfiqar Ali Shah
The influence of antiretroviral therapy on QTc interval amongst HIV patients at Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi, Jay Shavadia
Exploring in-charge teachers' academic and administrative experiences at religious education centres (REC) in Karachi, Sadia Iqbal Sheikh
Patients' teaching and their preparedness for discharge after a day surgery, Nuzhat Sultana
Exploring teaching practices and their influence on students' learning experiences of the English language in class 1, Umbreen Sultana
Exploring the process of teaching literature review: Possibilities and challenges, Huzefa Tawawalla
A comparative study of the genotype MTBDRplus® assay against a standard culture method for diagnosis and drug susceptibility testing of tuberculosis, Peris W. Thamaini
The practice of newly qualified teachers induction: A case study of a national secondary school in Kenya., Joseph Kennedy Karanja Thuo
Teachers' experience in enhancing active participation of the physically challenged learners in a classroom., Muchere Japheth Wanga
Universal precautions: compliance by health care workers at first level care facilities in rural areas of Swabi, in North West frontier provence of Pakistan, Muhammad Tahir Yousafzai
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Causes of low enrollment in physics in national examinations in secondary schools in Bondo district, Kenya, Okoth Dominick Adipo
Investing job satisfaction of teachers in Karachi, Pakistan: A survey study, Fida Ali
Predictors of pregnancy loss in Afghan women presenting to tertiary care hospital-Kabul Afghanistan : case control study, Sayed Ataullah
Teachers’ perceptions of school environment in private schools of Karachi, Shamuil Badruddin
Teaching writing in ESL classrooms: Study of two Advanced Diploma in Education: English language teaching graduates practices, Abdullah Baig
Tracing the pathways: Exploring the journey of women primary school head teacher incharge teacher, Salima Rahim Baig
Pharmacological basis for the medicinal use of berberis vulgaris and bergenia ligulata in urolithiasis, Samra Bashir
Cooperative learning: Classroom based teacher support through action research., Betty Chepkirui Betts
Teacher burnout: A leadership perspective and measures to reduce it, Amynah Sadiq Bhaidani
Enrollment and retention of girls in public primary schools in Tabora municipality., Euphrasia Christopher Buchuma
Exploring leadership challenges in a primary school for under-privileged working children in Karachi, Shamsah Raheem Dhanani
Effects of result-based funding mechanisms on maternal and child health: a systematic literature review, Mohammad Faisal
Headteachers' professional support for teachers in public secondary schools in Kenya., Mushira Mukokho Fredrick
Facilitating social studies teachers to use issue-based inquiry, Sadia Hanif
Exploring the use of literary texts to develop moral values in grade six of a private school in Karachi, Pakistan, William Charles Kir Henderson
Facilitating social studies teachers to use issue based enquiry in a government school, Shafqat Hussain
Understanding the sustainability and institutionalization of change initiatives for school improvement, Shahzad Hussain
Preparation and development of public secondary schools headteachers for school leadership in Kenya., Nandwah Ibrahim
Understanding the role of principal in managing school discipline: A case study, Muhammad Iqbal
The use of information communication technology (ICT) in teaching and learning: A case study of a public teachers' college in Tanzania, Bakari Ghumpi Issa
The beliefs and practices of secondary school teachers about teaching of Islamiat: A case study, Zahid Ali Jatoi
Exploring the role of a head teacher in leading a rural government high school of District Ghotki, Sindh, Syed Dhani Bux Shah Jillani
Teachers' perceptions of teacher advisory centers in school based teacher development: A case of Ruiru division, Thika district of Kenya., Francis Karanja Kagua
Triple test assessment and a scoring system to predict the presence of breast cancer at Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi, Aideed A. Kahie
High achieving schools of AKU-EB: Leadership roles and practices, Atai Karim
Perceptions of stakeholders on HIV/AIDS education: The case of Islamic secondary school., Khamis Mmanga Khamis
Practices of strategic planning in a private secondary school in Karachi, Dur Wali Khan
A case study: Formative classroom assessment practices of two lower secondary teachers of mathematics in an English medium private school of Karachi, Mousa Ullah Khan
How to appraisers and appraisees experience teacher performance appraisal in a private secondary school in Karachi, Pakistan, Musa Ali Khan
Learning to lead people with emotional intelligence in an educational context, Sher Alam Khan
Students' perceptions on the use of ICT in learning: A case study of a secondary school in Mombasa, Kenya., Ang'ondi Enos KIforo
Supporting teachers to enhance students' classroom talk in a public secondary school in a Dar es salaam., Lucy Jepchumba Kurui
Behavioural problems among children living in orphanage facilities in Karachi, Pakistan: comparison of children in an SOS village with children in conventional orphanage : a cross-sectional study, Zohra Sultan Ali Lassi
Teachers' and headteachers' perceptions of teacher leadership in public secondary schools in Dar es salaam: Possibilities and constraints, Joyce Chepkirui Mabwai
School practices as a parental involvement (DE) motivators: A case public secondary school in Mombasa, Muigai Charles Maina
Discovering identities of teachers of English in Pakistan, Zaigham Aizad Malik
Exploring the role of the head teacher in developing culture of teamwork among teachers, Mansur Mansurov
Exploring processes of career guidance and counseling practices in a private education network in Karachi, Pakistan, Noureen Aziz Merchant
Roles of parents in inclusion of their children with sen in a mainstream school, Malika Mir
Day care surgery at a new university teaching hospital: a review out of the Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi, Edwin Mogere
Day care surgery at a new university teaching hospital: a review out of the Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi, Edwin Mogere
Students and teachers' experiences of using English as a language of instruction in a public secondary school in Dar es salaam., Petronilla Gaceri Mugiro
How the laboratory rules shape the students' views of the laboratory as a learning environment., Rosemary Muteitsi Muhigi
Practice of teacher leadership: A comprative case study of two primary schools in Dar es salaam, Tanzania., Aneela Altaf Mukhi
Prevalence, risk factors and outcome of acute kidney injury at the Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi, Peter W. Munyu
The challenges left-handed students face in secondary school science laboratories: The case of Kenyan National girls' secondary school., Malusi Benerdeta Mwikali
Self evaluation processes and school improvement, Almas Nadeem
Exploratory study on how HIV/AIDS education is taught in two secondary schools in Dar es salaam,Tanzania, Alice Mwihaki Ndungu
Questioning practices in a lower secondary social studies classroom, Shamsun Nisa
An exploration of the reading habits in English of form one students in three government secondary schools in Dar es salaam, Tanzania, Charles Olonda Osore
Exploring a female and a male secondary school head teachers' experiences of leading school improvement, Didar Panah
Leadership approaches of principals in government and private schools: Teachers perceptions, Hazir Panah
Exploring the role of a head teacher in the teaching learning process of schools, Bilqees Inayat Ali Patel
Factors influencing infection control management at Civil Hospital Karachi : a qualitative case study, Shagufta Perveen
Primary health care providers’ knowledge and practices on asthma management within Dar es salaam region health facilities, John C. Rwegasha
How does community HMIS work? perception of lady health workers and supervisors about LHW-MIS in tehsil Mansehra, NWFP, Bilal Saleem
Influence of the teacher's perception about teaching and learning in an inclusive classroom in Dar es salaam- Tanzania., Settenda Sarah
Cell cycle modulations during Hepatitis C Virus associated disease progression, Saira Sarfraz
Coverage and predictors of vaccination among children 12-23 months of age in district Muzaffarabad, Pakistan, Shafiq-Ur-Rehman
The importance of a middle leaders support for teachers in implementation of the curriculum in primary classes, Alima Bibi Shah