Theses/Dissertations from 2000
How can a teacher learn to teach science more effectively with the help of the revised textbook?, Ismat Jehan
An exploratory study of the concept of teaching moments in a Pakistani mathematics classroom, Peter Aaron Kajoro
What are the policies and practices of maintaining discipline in a private secondary school in Karachi, Pakistan, Ismail Khan
A study on reflective teaching of mathematics in the Pakistan context, Julias Raphael Kingu
A study on reflective teaching of mathematics in the Pakistani context, Julis Raphael Kingu
Promoting student-student interaction in large ESL primary government school classes of Pakistan, Sajida Mehdi
The enhancement of primary students’ participation in science through teacher’s questioning, Mehrunnisa
A study of how English is taught in government schools in Karachi, Rashida Yousuf Memon
Exploring a teacher's ways of dealing with children with disruptive behavior in a primary school, Anisa Wali Muhammad
Techniques for developing process writing skills in English as Second Language (ESL) classrooms, Khusfuner Murtaza
Developing reading skills of primary children in government school, Salma Naheed
A study of dynamics of stakeholders' participation in school management, Wachira Nicholas
The withdrawn children and their classroom participation: An exploratory case study, Ruth Ombonya Otienoh
The withdrawn children and their classroom participation an exploratory case study, Ruth Ombonya Otienoh
Teaching and learning primary school science through the medium of English in Pakistan, Karim Panah
Effects of yoga on blood pressure levels in normotensive and hypertensive subjects /, Sheela Pinjani
Promoting moral values in the social studies classroom, Mohammad Rahim
Factors associated with tuberculin skin test positivity among household contacts of smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis cases in Umerkot, Sindh, Suresh Kumar Rathi
Utilization of government health services and factors associated with choice of health care provider by mothers and children in Peshawar, Arif Hussain Sayed
What makes a community-based school good in terms of practices involvement and participation?, Adina Shah
Anthropometric assessment of nutritional status in children between 6 to 59 months age in District Quetta, Balochistan, Abdul Latif Tareen
A study of dynamics of stakeholders' participation in school management, Nicholas W. Wachira
Organizing group work in primary science classrooms, Erum Zehra
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Meeting the needs of students with learning difficulties: A case study, Evelyn Awino Abungu
Meeting the needs of students with learning difficulties: A case study, Evelyn Awino Abungu
Improving the education of children with special needs, Brenda Isabel Coelho
Implementation of an integrated curriculum, Maria Josephine David
Prevalence and predictors of malaria among febrile children attending the rural health center Jhangara in Sindh, Siroos Hozhabri Doghozloo
Exploring the transition from M.Ed. graduate to Professional Development Teacher, Hakim Elnazar
Creating a collaborative school development plan, Muhammad Nadim Farooqi
The impact of subject specialist teacher program on teachers' classroom practices, Nighat Fatima
Study of the elementary mathematics curriculum of class 7 as implemented, Ashfaq Hussain
The effect of teacher performance appraisal on teachers' beliefs, practices and attitudes, Bahadur Al iKhan
Factors associated with the cognitive competence of children ages 4 to 5 years in Karachi Pakistan, Bilal Iqbal
Constructivism in learning mathematics: Students' and teacher's difficulties, Jamaludin
A constructivist approach to the teaching and learning of science, Amina Karim Kanjee
Epidemiological studies of elevated blood pressure among ismaili muslims in Karachi Pakistan, Ashrafunissa Abdul Karim
The impact of IED's certificate in education management programme on two educational officers, Farasat Mumtaz Khan
Study of the perception of government school head teachers about the role of Professional Development Teachers, Nadeem Asghar Kirmani
Exploring changes in teachers thinking during a mathematics VT program, Safina Lakha
Exploring changes in teachers thinking during a mathematic VT program, Safina Lakha
A study of the impact of the mentoring process on primary teachers professional development in District Lasbella, Balochistan, Firdous Ali Sadruddin H. Lalwani
The use of students' prior knowledge in science teaching, Abdul Hameed Lone
Study of head teachers' management practices: A comparative perspective, Kunduz Maksutova
The impact of social studies visiting teacher programme on teachers' perceptions and classroom practices, Parveen Mehboob Ali Mankeia
Teaching mathematics for relational understanding, Raheela Mir
Teachers' alternate conceptions about the concept of physical changes in terms of particulate nature of matter, Ghazala Mursaleen
Students’ questioning in a primary science classroom, Sadia Muzaffar
The relationship between classroom environment and students’ speaking skills in a foreign language at the elementary level, Sodatova Davlatbegim Ogoevna
Issues in process assessment in science teaching, Moses Orwe Onyango
Issues in process assessment in science teaching, Moses Orwe Onyango
Health action schools in Pakistan a case study, Abdul Qasim
Development of reflective practice through in-service teacher education program: A case study of a participant, Jahanara Qureshi
Reflective dialogue for teacher development, Jane Rarieya
Reflective dialogue for teacher development, Jane F. A. Rarieya
Factors associated with sexually transmitted diseases among men attending Std clinics in Karachi Pakistan, Mirza Imran Raza
The impact of the Institution for Educational Development's visiting teacher programme on teachers of English, Janat M Shah
Possibilities and challenges in trying to help science teachers change their alternative conceptions and problem areas of inter-conversion of energy, Zulfiqar Ali Shah
The key stakeholders' perceptions of punishment and their effect on classroom culture, Richard Shoo
The key stakeholders' perceptions of punishment and their effects on classroom culture, Richard Shoo
Risk of development of clinical tuberculosis among infected individuals identified by a single blood PCR test, Azfar-E-Alam Siddiqi
Impact of visiting teacher (VT) secondary school mathematics program on teachers' classroom practices, Zafar Yasin
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
The role of concrete materials in developing children's understanding of the properties of quadrilaterals, Anees Ahmed
Factors leading to irrational prescribing amongst general practitioners of Karachi, Pakistan, Shaheena Akbani
Use of inquiry in science classroom teaching in Pakistani middle schools, Takbir Ali
Teachers' beliefs of intelligence and their implications for classroom practice: A case study, Azmina Amirali
Development of students' speaking skills in the primary English classroom, Gulgunchamo Naimova Amirbekovna
Teacher's role in developing students' oral proficiency in English as Foreign Language (EFL) class, Dilshad Ashraf
A study of the role perception of Professional Development Teachers (PDT), Sabz Ali Haji Baig
Alternative conceptions and their origins of science teachers about current electricity, Yasmeen Bano
Exploring the relationship between teachers' beliefs and error correction in ESL classroom, Safida Begum
Possibilities and problems in using cooperative learning in the social studies classroom, Sultan Mahmud Bhuiyan
Prevalence of symptoms of specific gynecological morbidities & risk factor os symptoms of inflammatory disease in a rural community of Jamshoro Sindh, Pakistan, Abdul Wahid Bhurt
A study of the access for girl students to science group at the secondary level, Imdad Shafi Bikak
Towards conducting effective clinical conferences in a diploma nursing programme in Pakistan, Ann Castellino
Introducing cooperative learning in social studies classrooms in the government school, Habib Hussain Durrani
Prevalence and risk factors for underweight, wasting, stunting among children (5 years) in Jhangara Twon & Villages (Rural Sindh), Syed Farid-Ul-Hasnain
Promoting oral communication in a Pakistani EFL primary classroom, Abdul Ghafoor
Creating an enabling enviornment for student talk in ESL primary classrooms, Atiya Zahra Hussain
Error correction in ESL writing class at secondary school level, Tehseen Jehan
Teachers' re-conceptualization of social studies as education for active citizenship, Rubina Sadruddin Jiwani
How can action research help teachers to develop students' creative writing skills, Sohibnazar Kadamsaidov
Parental involvement in children's academic learning at home, Hurmat Khan
Wealth from waste: Problems and possibilities of developing and using low cost/no cost teaching materials in primary science classroom, Jalal Wali Khan
Introducing patterns in teaching mathematics in government schools, Sardar Ahmed Khan
Promoting Activity-Based Learning (ABL) in Lower Secondary Science Classes (LSSC) in government schools, Anila Kiani
Initiating and implementing school reform in a developing country context: Possibilities and persisting questions, Joshua S. Lwanga
Initiating and implementing school reform in a developing country context: possibilities and persisting questions., Joshua S. Lwanga
What have the teachers learned? The impact of social studies VT program on selected government school teachers, Nighat Ghulam Mohammad
The use of discrepant events as an alternative science teaching strategy in lower secondary classrooms, Shakoor Muhammad
The use of discrepant events as an alternative science teaching strategy in lower secondary classrooms, Shakoor Muhammad
Discrepancy: An innovative strategy for promoting studies’ learning in science, Sofia Mustafa
How can teachers be helped in dealing with students' conceptual problems in algebra at lower secondary level, Kahkashan Najumsehar
Implementation of do-talk-record strategy in lower secondary mathematics classroom in government school, Samina Naz
Neonatal tetanus : incidence and risk factors in district Loralai Balochistan, Arshad Quddus
Developing students’ relational understanding in mathematics, Sherwin Rodrigues
Determinants of unsafe abortion in three squatter settlement of Karachi, Sarah Saleem
Reconceptualization of assessment practices in a developing country context: A case study of master of education students, Duishon Shamatov