The recast government sponsorship policy in public universities in Uganda: A critical policy historiography

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Rui Yang


University education plays a significant role in the development of countries and is progressively becoming key to economic advancement as knowledge based economic replace traditional modes of production. Unfortunately, in Uganda, due to high competition and increasing costs, university education has remained inaccessible to those who need it most, the rural p0or. Moreover, privileging the dominant in university entry arrangements has been virus like, constantly mutating into new forms (Gale 2001, p.387). A recasting of government sponsorship at public universities in Uganda to favor science and technology was announced in 2005. Drawing from Gale's (2001) critical policy historiography, this thesis presents an analysis of the Recast Government Sponsorship Policy in Public universities in Uganda. Focus is on how this policy may renew bias against students from poor socio-economic backgrounds, and increase inequity and regional imbalance. The analysis concludes that the use of an examination based selection system as a key determinant of who gets government sponsorship at university level, disadvantages children of the poor, because with such a system they are disadvantaged at birth by being born in poor families. Government needs to consider core social and cultural barriers that disadvantage people, and think of ways of creating advantage even as they address disadvantage. Secondly. forcing students to do sciences regardless of their mental capabilities and interests disadvantages them because those who fail cannot access university education. Instead of Such a hegemonic curriculum, the curriculum should be changed and directed towards helping children access programmes that will make them economically and politically perceptive so that they can individually or collectively improve their circumstances. And the donors need to change their focus from primary to cover other levels of education. Otherwise the complexities in this policy may lead to the children of the wealthy elite benefiting more than those of the rural poor. For this thesis, the particular policy document, related documents, reports, media releases, relevant academic literature and newspaper articles were analysed.

This document is available in the relevant AKU library
