Theses & Dissertations | Aga Khan University


Theses/Dissertations from 2010

Improving the context of learning by using appreciative inquiry approach (AIA), Tayyiba Khanam

Emerging role of community based midwife (CMW) in Pakistan: a case of district Lasbela, Balochistan province, Ghulam Mustafa Khan

Low case detection rate of tuberculosis in Ziarat : how the target will be achieved?, Muhammad Dawood Khan

Prevalence of abnormal aminoglycoside trough levels in children with clinically suspected gram negative infections at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi, Isaac N. Kihurani


Comparison of a new opposed phase imaging protocol to the standard conventional MRI protocol in demonstration of lumbar degenerative disc disease at 1.5T., Peter C. Magabe


Detection of extended spectrum beta lactamases genotypes and their association with cephalosporin susceptibility in Community Acquired Enterobacteriaceae Infections, Daniel W. Maina

Nature of nurse's verbal communication with unconscious or sedated pateints in an intensive care unit at a tertiary care hospital, Karachi, Pakistan, Saima Merchant


A randomized controlled trial of the effect of additional ultrasound therapy to analgesia treatment protocol for acute low back pain at AKUH (N), Shamshudin Mohammedali

Factors influencing dots default in Kabul : need a responsive health care system-more than ever!, Hamid Hassan Momand

Enhancing the role of subject coordinators through appreciative inquiry, Saira Mumtaz


The effectiveness of training nurses in breast cancer awareness at a tertiary hospital: an experimental study, Miriam Mutebi


The efficacy of intravenous hyoscine-n-butylbromide (buscopan®) for the acceleration of labour in first time parturients: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Mukaindo A. Mwaniki

Assessment of clinical competency of nurse-midwives : implications for maternal and neonatal health care at the national level/, Loveluck Kusriel Mwasha

Developing students' English reading skills by developing teachers' teaching skills through action research, Muhammad Nawaz

Characterstics of a clinical teacher as perceived by nursing instructors and BSCN students in an armed forces post graduate medical institute, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, Zarina Naz

Myths and misconceptions about contraceptive methods: an exploratory qualitative study amongst married youth of Karachi, Noureen Aleem Nishtar


Patterns of fatal gunshot injuries in Nairobi: a prospective forensic study, Ancent K. Nzioka


Expression patterns of β–catenin, COX-2 and p27 in colorectal carcinomas at Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi, Patricia Okiro


Prevalence of urinary tract infections in febrile children and role of urine interleukins in diagnosis, Anne J. Rerimoi

Pakistani grade ten students' conceptions of nature of science, Shamsa Salim

A comparison of clinical risk factors and Bone Mineral Density (BMD) in the assessment of osteoporosis in patients admitted with hip fractures aged fifty years and above at Aga Khan Hospital Dar-es-Salaam, 2009, Jacob Shabani

Availability and affordability of essential medicines : exploring the effects on health seeking behaviours and health services utilization for children under-5 years, living in a settlement of Karachi, Yasir Shafiq

Community involvement as a pathway for school improvement, Gumbury Shah

Factors affecting the midwifery-led service provider model in Pakistan, Surriya Shahnaz

The relationship between stress, depression, cortisol, and preterm birth in women residing in Karachi, Pakistan, Kiran Shaikh

Impact of English proficiency training on primary school teachers' development of English speaking skills, Mariam Shaikh

Exploring the teachers' assessment strategies of social skills of lower primary students, Sadia Ashar Sheikh

Seroprevalence of measles IgG in children 12-59 months of age in Karachi one year after measles vaccine supplementry immunization activity, Sana Sadiq Sheikh

DPT3 coverage and the role of the private sector in vaccinating children 12-23 months of age, in Karachi : a cross sectional survey, Nida Tarique Siddiqui


A randomised comparative trial of seven versus fourteen day triple therapy for helicobacter pylori eradication at The Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi, Ahmed Sokwala

Prevalence of workplace violence towards nurses at the government and private healthcare settings in Karachi, Pakistan, Rozina karim Somani

High school science teachers' conceptions about nature of science, Samira Varsani


Comparison of multi-detector CT venography and venous sonography for detecting lower limb deep venous thrombosis in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism, Ruth Wanjohi


Health related quality of life changes among users of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) for contraception, Sikolia Wanyonyi

Nutritional environmental and genetic causes of hyperhomocysteinemia in a Pakistan population, Mohsin Yakub

The perceptions and practices of madrasa and government schools' teachers about critical thinking, Muhammad Yaqoob

Women's experiences in their early post menopausal period in the Pakistani context, Saira Nazneen Zaidi

The use of a virtual learning environment for teaching reading and writing in English to Syrian students, Ali Zair

Differences in health care seeking patners for childern less than five years of age who died of severe diarrhea compared to those with non-fatal severe diarrhea in selscted semi Urban areas of Karachi, Pakistan, Umber Zaman

Theses/Dissertations from 2009

An investigation factors that influence choice of science in two co-educational secondary schools in Dar es salaam, Roselida Adhiambo Adero

Predictors of unintentional poisoning among childern under 5 years of age in Karachi, a matched case control study, Bilal Ahmed

Exploring the post wsip experiences of a government and a private school headteacher in the Northern Areas of Pakistan, Sultan Alam

Influence of the head teacher's effectiveness of communication on professional orientation of teachers : A case study, Akbar Ali

Exploring the science professionals' (SPs) perceptions about the effective instructional material (IMs), Aqila Nadir Ali

Genetic diversity and molecular basis of antimicrobial resistance of mycobacterium tuberculosis strains from Pakistan, Asho Ali

Exploring the role of school leadership in transforming the school into a learning community, Shujaat Ali

Repoductive health programmes of Pakistan: stand alone or integrated, Aamir Akram Alizai

Factors influencing implementation of integrated management of neonatal and childhood illness (IMNCI) strategy at public sector primary health care facilities in Matiari district, Sindh, Nousheen Alwani

A randomized clinical trail of fissure sealant retention : self etch adhensive versus total etch adhensive, Nadia Aman

To what extent are schools participating in "elimu mjumuisho" programme in Zanzubar prepared to povide inclusive education?: A case study of one primary school in Pemba, Zanzibar, Said Khalfan Amour

Development of teacher leadership: A case study of a private school in Pakistan, Atta Mohammad Ashrafi

Assessing the knowledge skills, ability and performance of paramedical staff in delivering primary health care sevices: a case of District Jamshoro Sindh Pakistan, Sher Bahadur

Improving students' English speaking skills through interactive approach in a private lower secondary school in Karachi Pakistan, Khan Bahdar

The place of personal values in educational leadership, Sharifullah Baig

Leadership for teaching and learning: an investigation into a headteacher's practices in a private secondary school in Dar es salaam, Tanzania, Jane Balinaga


Evaluating the diagnostic performance of an initial Transvaginal Sonogram (TVS) in patients with suspected ectopic pregnancy, Zablon Bett

Prevalence of depression and it's associated factors in the elderly population of Karachi, Pakistan: a cross sectional study, Mehreen Bhamani

Improving the teaching of reading comprehension in English as a foreign language classroom in Karachi, Hafiza Bibi

Seroprevalence and risk factors for hepatitis C infection among male prisoners in Karachi, Amna Subhan Butt

School in challenging contexts: a case of a successful school in a challenging context, Paul Omedi N. Bwoga

Significance of school leadership in behaviour management of students, Shirin Nooruddin Charania

Exploring the process of progression towards senior leadership, Huzefa Dohadwala

Prevalence and corrleates of non-use of condom among red light area based female sexworkers of Lahore and Karachi role of health belief model to explain non-use of condom, Mehreen Fatima

Measuring the knowledge, skills and attitudes of grade ten students of citizenship education in government and private schools of Karachi, Pakistan, Syeda Sadia Ferhat


Cumulative incidence of post dural puncture headache following caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia at The Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi, Ednah K. Gisore

Effect of educating mothers on completion of three doses of DPT and hepatitis B vaccines among their infants in Karachi, Pakistan- a randomized controlled trail, beenish Hanif

Improving teaching of paragraph writing through participatory action research, Tabassum Fatima Hemani

The development and testing of economic skill building training modules to improve women's mental health, Saima Shams Hirani

Improving teaching through monitoring students learning in a classroom: an action research, Lydia Ethleen Idionyi

Feasibility of inquiry-based teaching in a lower secondary class (grade VII) of a government school in Karachi, Javed Iqbal

Exploring early years teachers classroom practices in two private schools in Karachi: Learning from ECED: Certificate in education programme, AKU-IED, Jamila Anwer Jan


Outcome of chronic anal fissures treated with glyceryl trinitrate at Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi, Ilkul H. Johnbosco

Exploring learners' views about their preferred learning environment: a study of students in a secondary school in Kenya, Eliud Mathu Kamau


The media and public opinion in Kenya: the impact of print media coverage of the grand coalition government, Samuel Kamau

Exploring the attitude of the head and deputy head teachers from the governments schools of Sindh and Balochistan toward using computers in education, Darvesh Karim

Exploring the possibilities of parallel leadership in a private school in Karachi: A case study, Nisar Karim

Exploring the human resource development policies and procedures in the school context, Shazia Rahim Khaimani

Inquiry teaching in mathematics classroom in a lower secondary school of Karachi, Pakistan, Abdul Wali Khan

Inquiry-Based teaching strategies employed by mathematics teachers in lower secondary classroom in Karachi, Ali Ahmad Khan

Exploring teachers' perceptions of teacher-students' interactions in inquiry-based mathematics classrooms in lower secondary schools in Karachi, Pakistan, Bahader Khan

Becoming a teacher educator in public sector institutions in Pakistan : Stories from personal and professional lives, Haji Karim Khan

Understanding how the inquiry strategy works in a physics classroom at secondary level in a Pakistani private school context, Manzoor Ali Khan

Understanding how AKES, P head teachers respond to the increasing demands of their role in the context of Northern Areas of Pakistan, Sardar Khan

Health watch framework (HWF): how effectively it is being implemented and how useful it is for monitoring and utilisation of routine health information system (HIS) data at facility, sub district and district level?, Umar Khan

Parents' perspective on school strategies for parental involvement: An exploratory case study in a community based school in Karachi, Pakistan, Wali Mohammad Khan

Exploring social studies teachers' attitude towards computers in education, Rozina Ramzan Ali Khuwaja


Utility of free to total PSA ratio in the prediction of prostate cancer in patients with intermediate total PSA levels and negative digital rectal examination, Muthoni .J .F. Kirimi

Teacher support through teachers' resource centre: a case of subject advisors in Chake District Pemba, Ali Nassor Kombo

Family centered rounds in pediatric intensive care settings at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Laila Akbar Ladak

Enhancing ESL learners' writing using the writing process approach: an action research, Beatrice Afwandi Lisutsa


Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma risk factors In a Kenyan population: a case control study, Stanley M. Machoki

Prevalence of and factors associated with underestimation of body weight among secondary school childern in Karachi, Pakistan, Sajid Mahmood

Improving the teaching of writing narratives at lower secondary level in private school of Karachi, Uzma Mateen

Conjunctival flora and conjunctivitis during first 7 days of life in babies born to mothers with prolonged labor: a prospective cohort study, Jaishri Mehraj

Teacher educators' experiences in implementing the 2007 teacher education diploma curriculum: a case study of a public teachers' college in Tanzania, Dorothy Ivor Mhaiki

Improving the practice of giving feedback on ESL learners' written compositions, Bernard Okumu Ouma Mikume

Qualitative exploratory study on science professionals' perceptions of the science curriculum in Karachi, Pakistan, Hazarat Mir

Teachers' self-evaluation of their teaching practices: a study in three secondary schools in Dar es salaam, Anna Eliewaha Mshana

Role of the principal in involving the parents in various activities of the school, Zain - ul - Muluk

A case study of blended learning at a higher education institution in East Africa, Anne Njura Munyi