Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Self-care behavior and its associated factors among hypertensive patients in Buraidah, Al Qassim, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kahkashan Sana
Validation of InstaDx, A clinical decision support tool information technology based application for ischemic stroke, Saadia Sattar
Exploring feedback practices of primary teachers on students' homework in a public school in Gilgit Baltistan, Muhammad Wali Shah
Assessing performance tracking of vaccinators using mHealth based application (TEEKO) at district, Tando Mohammad Khan- Sindh, Saqib Ali Shaikh
Interventions for the improvement of mental health services at various levels of health system in LMICs : a systematic review, Sualeha Siddiq
Outcomes of turco’s procedure for idiopathic clubfoot among children at French Medical Institute for Mothers and Children from January 2011 to July 2016, Salahuddin Siraj
Perceptions and experiences regarding neonatal mortality in district Thatta, Sindh, a qualitative exploratory study, Salima Akbar Verasia
Diagnostic Value of Complementary Strain Elastography in the Classification of Breast Masses, Sarah Muthoni Wambui
Diagnostic accuracy of Hba1c Test in diagnosis of Diabetes and Prediabetes in a Multiethnic Population at Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi., Francis Kiigu Wathigo
Prevalence of Double MYC/BCL2 Expression and the Cell of Origin in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphomas Diagnosed at a Tertiary Level Referral Laboratory, Jonathan Wawire
Service delivery strategies to reduce childhood stunting : a meta-analysis, Ali Humayun Zafar
Palliative care needs assessments of adult cancer patients in home healthcare setting in Karachi from the perspective of patients and their caregivers : a qualitative approach, Sadaf Nooruddin Zindani
Perceptions and practices regarding stillbirths in Thatta district, Sindh; a qualitative exploratory study, Sanam Zulfiqar
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Quality of life (QOL) of those haing moderate to severe head injuries among road traffic injury (RTI) survivors, age 15-45 yrs. living in Karachi, Pakistan : cross sectional study, Sumia Andleeb Abbasi
Outcomes of the Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) application during ventilation among children at French Medical Institute for Children, Kabul, Afghanistan, Khesrow Afghanyar
Identification of hospital based factors associated with 30-days clinical outcomes in pediatric patients with head injury, Fareed Ahmed
Outcome of surgical treatment of esophageal atresia and it’s associated factors among newborns at FMIC Hospital Kabul Afghanistan, Bashir Akbary
Becoming leaders: The life histories of male and female principals, Sonia Akhtar
Factors influencing nurses' job satisfaction and retention in public sector tertiary care hospital Karachi, Shazia Bano Amir Ali
Risk factors and perinatal outcomes for early and late onset preeclampsia, Pakistan : an observational study, Sohrab Ali
Association of environmental arsenic exposure with Pnuemonia in children aged less than five years residing in Khairpur, District of sindh : a case-control study, Zoya Zulfiqar Ali
The Association between Asymptomatic and Mild Neurocognitive Impairment and Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy amongst people living with HIV, Violet Maloba Awori
Developing grade 12 student council members’ leadership skills to execute their leadership tasks effectively, Sumaia Azhar
Exploring pedagogical leadership in schools: Teachers’ perceptions on how principals promote teaching and learning, Aneela Abdul Aziz
The practices of implementing Aga Khan University - Examnination Board (AKU-EB) skill-focused English syllabus at private higher secondary schools, Gilgit-Baltistan, Nasreen Amanullah Baig
Exploring the perceptions of the stakeholders about the effective teaching of English language in Buber GB, Dilshad Bano
Enhancing secondary students’ conceptual understanding of states of matter through practical work, Shaher Bano
Exploring differences in grade 10 students' mathematical achievement in District Skardu, Gilgit-Baltistan: Comparison across gender and school systems, Shakeela Batool
Relationship between understanding and practices about assessment among elementary school mathematics teachers in Karachi, Zahra Karim Bukhsh
Exploring the role and responsibilities of school principals in managing schools in Karachi, Pakistan, Saira Erum
Maternal Inflammatory Markers in the Diagnosis of Chorioamnionitis and Prediction of Neonatal Sepsis in Preterm Pre-Labour Rupture of Membranes: A Systematic Review, Angela Koech Etyang
Factors associated with gestational diabetes among women registered at secondary hospitals in Karachi, Pakistan, Sumaira Feroz
Exploring youth empowerment through service learning in secondary schools, Annie Riek Florijn
Comparison of Weight Adjusted Dose Versus Fixed Dose Ondansetron in Preventing Shivering following Spinal Anesthesia for Cesarean Deliveries, Moses Kimuri Gicheru
A family ethnographic apporach to explore the causes of suicide among married women of 20-40 years in Chitral, Khyberpakhtunkhawa (KPK), Pakistan, Jafaryad Hussain
Exploring the perceptions of secondary schools science teachers about nature of science, Shabina Jabeen
Role of public private partnership in the provisin of safe drinking water in Gilgit : a qualitative exploratory study, Sultana Jabeen
Parents’ preference: O-levels, SSC or AKU-EB for their children in Karachi, Rahila Jeddy
Experiences of hearing impaired learners in assessment, Jenniffer Jeptepkeny
Prevalence of Bladder Dysfunction in Children with Primary Nocturnal Enuresis Presenting to the Hospital, Nikita Pravin Jethwa
The Diagnostic Accuracy Of Determine™ Tb Lam Antigen in Detection of Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis (EPTB), Fatimah Osman Juma
Vitamin D Levels in Black African Adults at the Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi, Elizabeth Muringa Kagotho
Quality of life of adult sickle cell disease patients in Karachi, Pakistan, Hina Nizar Karim
Exploration of students‟ perceptions on the teaching strategies in the chemistry classroom: a case study of one public secondary school in Jinja district- Uganda, Ajiga Swale Kelili
Studying principal’s practices of encouraging students’ active participation in the management of a private secondary school in Gilgit-Baltistan, Abdul Wali Khan
Exploring English Language Teachers' (ELTs') professional development in Pakistan: Cases from Hunza and Karachi, Fatima Sherbaz Khan
University students as socially responsible leaders: Lessons from a mixed-methods study in Gitgit-Baltistan, Haider Wali Khan
Exploring the perceptions of graduate students about formative feedback strategies on their written assignments at higher education, Sherif Ullah Khan
Pesticides use and impaired lung function among male agricultural farmers in rural Sindh, Pakistan, Zahid Ali Khowaja
Utilization of multimodality in the teaching and learning of poetry-a case of a public school in Taita-Taveta County, Kenya, Margaret Kikech
Association between Immediate Postnatal Anaemia and Risk of Developing Postpartum Depression at the Aga Khan University Hospital: A Cohort Study, John Ndungu Kimani
An investigation of assessment for learning practice in pre-primary classrooms in Tanzania, Violet Leonard
The influence of head teachers’ predominant leadership styles on students’ learning in public primary schools in Sianda zone Kisumu Kenya: a case of Kasigu primary school, Okong'o Stephen Lugare
Exploring transfer of teachers’ learning from a continuing professional education mathematics to their teaching, Naila Mashroof
Residents’ Perception on the Need for Clinical Leadership Training at The Aga Khan University, Nairobi, Lance Mayabi
Factors associated with pain and its management after cardiac surgery in a tertiary care hospital of Karachi, Pakistan, Sineer Micah
Exploring teachers' performance appraisal system using Appreciative Inquiry (AI), Shah Izat Mir
Provision of early childhood education in the era of devolution in Kenya: A case of two ece centers in Machakos County, Kenya., Francis Musyoka Mululu
Exploring pedagogical factors in early years literacy development in Mombasa island sub-County: the case of Tawakal primary school, Julia Kavata Munyasya
Exploring how the use of pedagogy of play enhances children’s learning: a case study of two pre-primary schools in Stesheni, Nachingwea, Athman Hassan Mushi
Exploring community primary teachers’ experiences in the generalist based teaching subject allocations. The case of two schools in Newala Urban, Ahmad Awadh Mussa
Exploring performance based assessment task development practices of tutors: a case of a technical and vocational education and training institute in coastal Kenya, Gertrude Kiloko Musyoka
Sonographic estimation of the prevalence of Hepatic Steatosis in HIV Monoinfected patients at Aga Khan University Nairobi., Bernadette Wambui Muthee
Effect of Additional Lumbosacral Corset on the Outcome of Patients with Non-Specific Acute Low Back Pain at The Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi, Stanley Aruyaru Mwenda
Risk factors, Clinico-Pathologic Characteristics and Outcomes in Young Kenyan Female Patients with Breast Cancer in AKUH-N, Gilford Mutwiri Mwikamba
Parents' perceptions and practices regarding childhood diarrhea management in rural Thatta, Sindh, Mohammad Naeem
Investigating the instructional strategies teachers use in teaching reading comprehension: a case of a public secondary school in Luwero district, Uganda, Racheal Nakazinga
Enhancing the Use of Teaching and Learning Materials to Promote Numeracy in Preschools in Rural Areas in Uganda., Alice Namutamba
Influence of in-house professional development on practices of English language teachers in a private school in Karachi, Pakistan, Hina Nasiruddin
Exploring the experinces of secondary students in using the scientific calculator as a tool for learning mathematics: a case of a secondary school in Rachuonyo south sub-County, Kenya, Edith Owano Ndong'a
Exploration of teachers practices in implementation of competence based curriculum in teaching English language; a case of Nachingwea district., Deogratius Ndunguru