Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Veronica Sarungi

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Fulgence Swai Saronga


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


Mathematics has been a subject whereby much effort has been directed for a number of years for the aim of improving students‟ achievements. However the improvements seem to be catching up slowly. Efforts such as increasing the number of teachers and learning materials like books by the government have not succeeded to change the trend of performances. Although several studies have been conducted coming up with various recommendations still their implementation is a challenge. This study aims to find out what can be done in classrooms to improve achievement in mathematics. The study approach was qualitative because it aimed at extracting the truth from the participants; therefore a case study was a convenient method. The method gave a wide range in collecting data due to the multiple sources used from teachers and students through interviews, focus group discussions, lesson observations and document analysis. It involved a public school in Tanga region, north eastern Tanzania. Sampling was simple, purposive and convenient of students of a particular class. Study findings showed that group discussion was the most mentioned teaching strategy by students and students are influenced in learning mathematics when given regular practices, adequate instructional materials and awareness to the advantages and applications of the subject in daily life is made clear. The study suggested that, teachers should understand the need and likes of students so that they can select appropriate content and teaching strategy for teaching. Moreover, teachers should understand that emphasizing and clarifying the advantages of mathematics to students is crucial because learners will appreciate and understand the relevance of mathematics in their life and thus be willing and active in their learning.
